Introduction by Archangel Metatron (channeled by Shawna L. Frances on August 18, 2020)
Let us first start by explaining what it means to be in existence.
Existence, in the way that you’ve come to understand it up to this point in this particular lifetime, has been of a linear, straight-forward, singular experience. You are your body. You are your mind. You think, therefore you are. You believe that your circumstances, and the circumstances of those around you, define who you are as a person and what you would relate to as your identity.
Infinity. Imagine actually that your soul is of a limitless, infinite nature. So completely powerful, so completely creative in every way imaginable. Take your existence, and add layers upon layers of infinite knowledge, infinite wisdom, infinite creativity. We know this is hard for you to grasp, let alone believe. But please believe us when we say that God created all of you as exact replicas of itself—complete with all the powers, freedoms, creative abilities and know-how—which enable you to live an existence of infinite possibilities.
While we understand that your existence here on Earth has been mainly that of trial, tribulation, repentance, cruelty, judgment and fear, we also understand that humanity has the very exceptional ability to rise above these challenges and rise to the occasion of a God-like embodiment. There are many of you in embodiment (alive) right now who would love nothing more than to take the deep repentance being felt and to transform it whole-heartedly into beams of love and light. Who wouldn’t want this? On some level, you do not like to be in a state of fear, misery, chaos and confusion. Your soul longs for the peace, serenity, infinite love, which is who you really are in truth.
But these feelings of longing and yearning for the peace and love which is the truth of you are buried beneath layers of self-pity, remorse, victimhood, and a general lack of accountability for your personal experience here on this planet. As long as you consider yourself as a product of your circumstances, that which comes from outside of you, your time here will continue to be a struggle. We would like to offer you a counter-balance with the notion that you are an infinite being of light and love, just waiting, waiting, for the opportunity to shed the heavy weight of these burdens in exchange for freedom and true learning. This is what is being offered to you now.
To be clear, it is being offered, but you have collectively asked for this. You are ready. And all of existence is ready, to see this new age become a concrete reality.
We’d also like to offer you the notion that you have come here to Earth at this time to help with something massive. You have raised your hand, enthusiastically we would add, to come to Earth at this unprecedented time to help yourselves and Mother Earth shed the current dense reality and evolve into beautiful, crystalline, high-vibrational beings.
Not everyone will make it to the new Earth. Not everyone will be consciously aware of what is happening on this plane of existence. This is by design. This is by design, and it is okay.
Let us now continue on this journey of discovery, of new thought, to the concept of laughter. Laughter is the soul’s expression of levity and contentment as expressed by the body, the emotions and the mind. A hearty laugh is the elixir that, even if only briefly, ignites the soul’s knowing of itself. Laughter is an extremely powerful reminder of who you are at your core. Such a simple concept, yet such a powerful knowing.
Imagine the idea of laughter that has now permeated your entire beingness. The laughter, and the feeling of being in that moment of laughing, becomes you at all times. In all moments. You can’t help yourself. It is your natural state of being. It is you. Who you are. Always. This is but a very simple example to help us convey to you the infinite wonder and happiness that will be your every waking state upon the dawning of this new Earth.
Let us, my friends, take you on another short journey of the soul. At one point in your history, you were sleeping creatures who were only aware of themselves as being in existence. The sleepiness you experienced was not of your design, but the design of others outside of Earth wo wished to keep you in ignorance. These beings from outside Earth had very specific designs on this planet to exploit and plunder for their own gain. Now imagine at this current time in your journeys, another outside force, this force of the light, of love, has come to your aid…to wake you up. To inform you with love and light that it’s time to wake up from your slumbers and become aware of the truth of your existence. To become aware of the influence of outside forces who do not have your best interest at heart.
For understanding this truth will allow you to understand other truths, which we will explain.
Here we come to a massively important point in humanity’s experience of itself. This is humanity at a crossroads. Do you break free from the ignorance and control that has been central to your previous sleeping experience? Do you wake up to a new, infinitely better reality? This is truly a choice. You are in choice here. You are all making this choice now, whether you are aware of this or not.
We understand that this message is a bit ambiguous. We are trying to awaken you to these possibilities at the level of where you are at as a species. It is our intention to bring you up to speed in a way that respects and honors your choice, your free will, your propensity to stretch yourselves and the ability to embrace new understandings.
Here’s what we’d like you to understand at this time. Mother Earth, and humanity as a whole, are moving to a new, higher-dimensional reality. Briefly stated, the vibratory rate of this plane of existence will be increasing exponentially. This is going to create a bit of chaos and destruction as this transformation to this higher vibration takes place. But what exists on the other side of this transition is unimaginable to most of you in terms of its levels of love, light, peace, harmony and equality. It is a new paradigm for humanity. It is a new paradigm for Earth.
While we would recommend that you not focus on the transitory process that you find yourselves in at this time, we do wish for you to be aware of these events. Knowing this is coming will help you not be in fear and surprise when these events come to fruition. Again, we are waking you up. We are here to help enlighten you to what is coming. To what is already underway. This will become more and more undeniable as this natural process of evolution reveals itself to you; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. What a glorious time for humanity as a species. We are overjoyed that this is the path you have chosen. We enthusiastically await more of your awakening and willingness to understand yourselves in a completely new way.
Let us know take this moment to explain more about the help we are providing to humanity. Due to the external influence on your species of a dark and sinister nature, we have come to tip the scales and provide reinforcements for your cause. The beautiful beings of Earth are a jewel in the cosmos. Such radiance, such love, such perseverance. The oppression you’ve endured is not of your conscious choice and not of your making. However, you on some level have agreed to it, in a sleeping and ignorant way. This is the beauty of these times. You have the ability to choose a new path forward in love and light. This starts with you knowing the truths of yourselves—as free, sovereign beings of love and light, infinite in nature and infinite in creativity. This is waking up, my friends.
We ask that you take a moment, right now, to get quiet and still. For while you strive to understand all the details from an intellectual standpoint, the true learning and knowing will come from within, from your heart. This is how we’d like you to understand this point in your evolution. Through the heart. Through love. Through a deep connection to yourself that provides all the proof you’ll need to know that what is happening here on this planet is a time for celebration and rejoicing.
Get quiet, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Please do this with us now for a minute or two.
Now that you have taken a moment for stillness, turn your attention to your heart.
Sense the gentle rhythm of your heartbeat. Observe this gentle pulse for a minute or two.
Now that you have connected with your heart, observe the energy field which is you, your essence, radiating out from your body as sparkling points of light.
You may feel this most strongly in your hands, your feet, your third eye.
Now allow universal love to enter your beingness. Breathe in deeply as you open yourselves up to the infinite love and light of the cosmos. Without fear or analysis, just allow this love to flow in you and through you.
We are here to serve humanity. We are here offering our unconditional love to each and every one of you who has chosen to be here at this time. The light will prevail. The dark cannot survive the light which is beaming upon this planet and igniting in your hearts. We ask that you do not take our word for it, but that you find the truth of this within yourselves.
What is Ascension? Additional Information
From an anonymous Ascended Master:
From Shawna’s book, Archangels, Aliens and Prophecies: The Cosmic Unveiling of a New Earth. This book, released November 2018, is a channeled text from an Ascended Master who wishes to remain anonymous:
Earth is now transforming herself to a fifth-dimension being. Yes, Earth is a sentient being with a consciousness, thoughts, feelings, motivations and will. She has the capacity to make her own decisions and actively participates in her fate. This is the time where Earth has decided to make a change for herself. It is her will to move (graduate) from a dense three-dimensional being to a fifth-dimensional being. She’s been alive for billions of years and feels now is the right time for her own ascendance to a higher vibrational being. What this means for you is twofold.
First, she’ll actively and rapidly change many important aspects of herself, which will have a major impact on all surface beings, all things that live and reside on the planet’s surface and within her crust. There’ll be a time during this transformation where the exterior of Earth will be uninhabitable by most of the beings living here. Therefore our alien friends, who number in the billions, are planning an evacuation of humans, animals, plants, all living things on the earth’s surface so that we may all survive this cataclysmic undertaking by Mother Earth. Please know that aliens represent highly-evolved sentient beings from many, many universes in our Milky Way. They have the technology and means by which to carry out an evacuation of billions of people. They have highly advanced spacecraft and ships (some of which are massive – over 3,000 miles in length) “parked near” our Mother Earth in anticipation for this amazing event. This event has been a massively-anticipated and closely-watched unfolding, whereby the angels, aliens and ascended masters, along with the Great Creator, have been carefully planning for many decades. Only our safety, our higher good, our ascension is at the heart of this planning. There is so much love for all who reside on Earth. There is a desire for humanity to continue and flourish in this new paradigm.
Second, it is Mother Earth’s wish, as well as all ours, that you also ascend into the fourth and fifth dimensions yourselves. This will be a completely freeing experience. This is where you’ll experience peace, love, oneness like you’ve never experienced before. The beauty of this way of being will astonish you. It will free you from suffering. It will free you from chains that hold you down on this earth plane – meaning the chains of separation, of lack, of fear. We plan to surprise and delight you from every angle as you become aware of the possibilities for yourselves and your families. This is nothing short of a massive evolutionary event for your species, the likes of which is rarely seen in our galaxy. With this book we hope to help allay your fears with what I’m describing here. We hope you’ll come to understand the love and beauty that await you within the loving and nurturing embrace of advanced spirits who want nothing but the best for you. Our intentions are pure and come from love.
Later in this channeled book, the Ascended Master continued:
Let yourself be open to the love that awaits your soul at heaven’s gate. For heaven is here on Earth. The time is now. Don’t put this off another day. Listen to my words, consider them words of wisdom from a higher source who knows the vastness of the universe, the vastness of this galaxy and can provide the light to illuminate the correct and best way forward for you. Don’t overthink this and don’t overcomplicate the message. Let love rule in every situation, in every minute of your day. Not only will you see profound changes for yourself, but the power of this way of being will emanate out from you in all directions impacting those around you and beyond. Love is contagious. This great feeling you’ll have will come off you like waves, gently washing over those with whom you come into contact with on a daily basis, those whom you think about often. You can make this a daily practice to sit quietly every morning and picture each of your friends and loved ones entering your heart chakra, where they’ll be filled with deep nurturing love, safety and freedom from fear.
From Archangel Metatron:
From Shawna’s book, I Am the Beacon: An Extraordinary Journey of Awakening in These Times of Ascension. This channeled dialogue between Shawna and Archangel Metatron occurred April 16, 2019:
Me: Dear Metatron. Can you please provide some clarity around how “the event”, if there is a true event, will happen? Will there be massive Earth changes that will sink land masses into the oceans, raise mountains and land out of the oceans? Will most of our infrastructure be destroyed when/if this happens? Will galactic help arrive in spaceships to help evacuate those who are ready? There are a lot of different channelings out there that say different things. What is your view on “the harvest” described by Ra? Thank you.
Metatron: Hi Shawna. Thank you for asking these questions. The event is happening now. The ascension is in full swing. You are part of this as is everyone else on Earth at this time. Mountains will topple. Forests will burn. It will be very taxing on your infrastructure. Some of this is already happening. Yes, full disclosure is imminent. It is part of what it means to be fifth dimensional. You see, know and understand the multidimensionality of yourself, of life, which includes all that life that exists elsewhere. It is an awakening to the true nature of existence, and the connection to source that we all share. Yes, there will likely be spaceships as part of the unveiling of the true nature of the universe, plus all the technologies that come with this discovery and knowledge.
Harvest—some are ready to move along in their evolution, some are not. Those that are ready—to make what is in essence a large leap forward in evolution—will move forward with the New Earth, others won’t. There will be death of human vessels as part of this leap, trauma. It will test and stretch all of you to be part of this.
Don’t be afraid, dear one, as truly this is an event that should be celebrated. It is a wonderful and momentous rebirthing of Earth and her inhabitants to something far greater than you can even comprehend at this time.
From Siri, a female Pleiadian:
From a channeling session between Shawna and Siri, a female Pleiadian working closely with Shawna, in May of 2020:
In terms of Ascension, this is modeled after what you would consider to be a straightforward shifting in vibratory rate and [an] increased frequency and vibration. That is Ascension at its simplest form. Of course, we understand that for someone to understand vibratory rate and frequency they must first understand that everything is energy and energy is vibration, it is sound, it is light. That will be the first hurdle, if you will, for people to understand what Ascension means. Ascension will bring a lightness to your physicality. The higher frequency of waves changes everything. You can imagine that higher frequency breaking up dense particles, creating more light; there’s more light in this frequency. There’s quite literally more lightness in this frequency.
More Resources on the Ascension
The Galactic Federation of Light has provided hours of information about the ascension in their channeled series, You’re Ready for Ascension, found on Shawna’s YouTube Channel.
Shawna also channeled a small book, Archangels, Aliens and Prophecies: The Cosmic Unveiling of a New Earth, which provides a solid introduction to the ascension and what we can do at this time to prepare for it.
Shawna’s latest book, I Am the Beacon: An Extraordinary Journey of Awakening in These Times of Ascension, provides many details about the ascension from Archangel Metatron, The Galactic Council, Melchizedek, and other highly-evolved beings of light.
Also see Resources for other authors, channelers, healers, videos and information about the ascension.