July 2, 2024. Today Melchizedek talked about how we each chose to be here at this chaotic yet pivotal time, and in fact, we “clamored” to be here. It’s an incredible time for our ascension path, and they see real hope with groups of us who refuse to give up or give in. “We’ve spoken now at length about the importance of you as a singularity, in this moment, and in this time and space, walking this path…awakened, in trust and moving forward. You do so against all odds, dear ones. This is not lost on us. Most of humanity is in a place of suffering, and it pains us to know this. We, too, want the absolute best for this species. We want to see you thrive. We want to see you free of this tyranny. And it delights our hearts to think that there is real hope, real opportunity to see this through all the way to the end, with a group of souls who refuse to give up and give in.”
They also offered guidance for approaching our potential electric shutdown. They mentioned that last week’s video was a “lock and key moment” for many: “We spoke last week about the responsibilities that you have when you know who and what you are in truth. And we see that this has been a lock and key moment for many of you. This is the shift, dear ones, this is the pivot. This is a time for the long forward march. The final 100 feet of the marathon. And this, dear friends, will be excruciating for some.
“This will be the most difficult part of these troubling times for humanity: seeing your fellow brothers and sisters suffer. They cannot know all that you know. It is not their path. They cannot see all that you see. They aren’t ready. But… what you can do is be that calming presence…offer a helping hand. Show others how one may handle such dire situations. You model this for them, and then it becomes a choice for them.”
Melchizedek has also revealed to me the crux of my mission here, and it is a shocker! More on that to come!
#channeling #ascension #melchizedek #disclosure #lightworkers
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