Hi everyone. No channeling today, but wanted to share with you the major themes from my 1:1 sessions with you over the past few months. As Starseeds and Lightworkers, we are going through unprecedented changes, which can cause confusion, anxiety, feelings of loss and even bouts of excitement. Know that you are not alone on this journey and tapping into our collective energy field through quiet meditation and other self-care is important right now. Top three themes that are coming up in these sessions:
1) “I’m feeling stuck, in limbo, directionless.”
2) “Just tell me what to do.”
3) “Am I doing something wrong?”
As we move toward ascension and higher-dimensional frequencies, we are facing a battle between our old, familiar selves and how we related to the world, and our new higher-vibrational selves who are more in alignment with our souls and our larger purposes of bringing love and light. As we maneuver this transition, the old self may want to battle to keep “control” of your world. This causes confusion, self-doubt and anxiety for many of us. Surrendering to our hearts, and allowing the mind and ego to recede, will help us flow into the new more seamlessly. Know that our guides and our higher selves have our backs and that we are supported on this journey to truth and wholeness.
To schedule a 1:1 with me, please send me a note at https://www.shawnalfrances.com/contact or send me an email to shawna -at- shawnalfrances.com. Sessions are donation-based. Much love team.
#starseeds, #galacticfederation, #ascension