Specific and hard-hitting information about the Negative Reptilian influence and history on Earth, plus direct and urgent messages for lightworkers who are assisting with the ascension.

NEW: Daily Ascension Updates as Requested by Melchizedek | Shawna L. Frances
Hi all! I'll be starting to provide daily ascension updates via this channel for the foreseeable future, at the request of Melchizedek. They said that they, along with Kryon, will

Why Change is Good & How to Accept Change | Ascension Daily Update with Shawna L. Frances
Today Kryon of Magnetic Service wants to invite you to have a broader understanding and acceptance of change -- which we'll be experience here on a large scale. "I invite

Worry is a Form of Fear | Holding Space for Others | Serving by Presence | Ascension Daily Update
Hi all! A lot packed into this one from Melchizedek for today's ascension update. They build upon the lake metaphor from yesterday to help us understand a few things: -

Start Pretending Now That Your Thoughts Can Be Heard By Everyone | Daily Ascension Update
In today's Daily Update on the ascension, Kryon talks about the "vast new 5D landscape" and some things to be aware of. Particularly that everyone will know everyone else's thoughts.

Vast Army of Light Ready To Go | Thinning of the Veil | Ascension Daily Update with Shawna L Frances
Today Melchizedek talks about a diverse, vast Army of Light assembled beyond the veil ready to aid at a moment's notice. They said it will become apparent in the near

Overview of the Negative Influence on Planet Earth | Ascension Daily Update | Shawna L. Frances
Here we have an overview from Melchizedek who talked about the negative influence on the planet. From a private channeling session on Aug. 28, 2022. Melchizedek says that it is

Tap Into the Ebb & Flow of Ascension Energy (Yes, This is an Action Item!) | Ascension Daily Update
Today Melchizedek is asking lightworkers to consciously connect to the "ebb and flow" of the collective energy grid mentioned previously. They called this tuning into the "heartbeat of ascension". Set

Patience and Peace for Humanity’s Choices | Lightworkers as Beacons | Ascension Daily Update
Today Kryon painted a picture of a shadowy valley--dense, foggy, dark in nature as a metaphor for where much of humanity resides in this moment. Some will choose to stay

Remember WHO & WHAT You Are — Avoid Getting Caught Up in Busy-ness | Ascension Daily Update
Today, Melchizedek's messages include staying alert and aware of our energetic fields, and to not lose sight of who and what we are. They asked me to take it easy

Taking Ownership of Our Missions of Light With Intentions & Focus | Ascension Daily Update
Today Melchizedek talks about taking the necessary daily actions toward raising the frequencies of our light bodies, and also that "owning this mission, believing in this mission and taking action

Coming Together Sept 22, 2022 Melchizedek Guided Meditation, Autumn Equinox | Ascension Daily Update
Today Melchizedek talked about the massive coordination effort happening now to help bring humanity and Earth through the ascension. We are playing a role in this coordination. As part of

The New Earth as a Beautiful Playground | 9/22/22 Autumn Equinox Meditation | Ascension Daily Update
Today Kryon talked about a few aspects of the ascension. But first... AUTUMN EQUINOX Guided Meditation - Happening on Thursday Sept. 22nd at 7 pm Eastern, 4 pm Pacific. (London:

Secret Tools of the Past Ready to be Used Today | Ark of the Covenant | Ascension Daily Update
Today Melchizedek talked briefly about the Ark of the Covenant, saying "So many secrets held long enough. It's time to start allowing these tools to be used again for the

My Mission, Rep – Tilians, the Ark of the Covenant | Ascension Daily Update with Shawna L. Frances
Today I talk about Melchizedek's messages for today around staying focused while ALSO taking much needed time for rest and play. I've misspelled the "R" word intentionally in case algorithms

Medicinal Mushrooms As Intelligent Consciousness | Staying in the Moment | Ascension Daily Update
Today Kryon gives me a bunch of encouragement for my mission and what we have coming... not to worry but to know we are supported and all is going according

Allow Guidance in All Moments | Walking with Our Teams of Light | Ascension Daily Update
Hi All! Melchizedek told me today to be CONSCIOUS of them and my guides with me at all times. Be as though they are here with me in the physical.

The Money Will Flow | Letting Go of Anxiety Around Money | Ascension Daily Update
Today Melchizedek spoke about money and the need to let go of worrying about it - acquiring it, saving it, spending it, losing it. Fears around the future state of

Now More Than Ever — Quiet Time, Reflection, Tuning In, Being Present | Ascension Daily Update
Today Melchizedek speaks about how lightworkers will begin to feel the heightened energies of the field more intensely. "Feeling more connected. Part of something larger. Beginning to feel united in

Shedding Our Masks | 2023 Speeding up of Time | Light & Dark in Direct Proportion | Ascension Update
Today Kryon told me that my "mask" is coming off, and it will take about 3 months for this process to be complete. More changes in store for us through

More Light In Our Bodies as Our Fields Raise | The Platform of Love We Stand Upon | Ascension Update
Today Kryon brought more messages of unconditional love for each of us. He says that today marks a turning point in our fields whereby "the platform of love has become