Today Melchizedek talked briefly about the Ark of the Covenant, saying “So many secrets held long enough. It’s time to start allowing these tools to be used again for the betterment of humankind, for the evolution of this planet. Now is the time.” They said that the Ark would be waiting for me in the Halls of Amenti when I’m ready to access it. At the request of Melchizedek, I’ve been working in the Halls of Amenti for a few weeks now, where I’ve seen many, many lives of my oversoul and also have learned lessons about compassion and love for this lifetime. Melchizedek said the access to the energy of the Ark is a gift. It may be there are other ancient “secret” or hidden knowledge and/or tools that will be ready to be utilized in this age of ascension.
#melchizedek #ascension #lightworkers
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