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The time is at hand to awaken to what is going on around us, and to choose whether or not we’ll embody love or fear as these events unfold.
Conscious Channel. Member of the Galactic Federation of Light. Founder of the Galactic + Human Ascension Panel.
Who I Channel
I am honored and humbled to say that I’ve communicated directly with some amazing beings of light who are not only accompanying me on my journey, but working with all of humanity on some level. My channeling started with my personal Spirit Guide, Micah. From there, I began working with Archangel Metatron on a regular basis. Metatron is the one who really kicked my spiritual awakening into high gear. His love was palpable, deep and all-encompassing. He used massive, loving energetic frequencies to get my attention and hold my focus. He helped me believe that what was happening to me was authentic, undeniable. He is an amazing being and holds so much love for humanity.
One of my major past lives was where I was in a relationship with John the Baptist at the time of Jesus. John the Baptist and I worked closely together on recreating the story of our time together, including very specific hands-on healing work and meditations that we did with Jesus.
The Galactic Council helped me fine-tune my channeling abilities early in this process and has performed many healing sessions with me as well as light body upgrades. I have channeled them many times, most of which are captured in my book I Am the Beacon. Along with Archangel Metatron, they encouraged me (and helped me) to quit drinking alcohol, to exercise every day, to try fasting and to stop eating animal products. They helped me focus on raising my vibration and enlightened me to the vast, loving, galactic support system that exists just outside of our conscious reality.
I began communicating directly with Melchizedek as I started reading I Am The Word by Paul Selig. All of Paul’s amazing books are channeled messages from Melchizedek. Often he simply refers to them as “The Guides”. Melchizedek added new dimensions to my understanding of my identity. They also answered many of my questions about the ascension (also in my book, I Am the Beacon). They are incredible story-tellers and helped me understand my changing nature and how to break free of old, limiting patterns. Ancient, beautiful wisdom from these guides.
I’ve communicated directly with a being from the Mantis race whom I call “Mantid”. I also have a fun friendship with a being that is from a race “close to the Anunnaki”. His name is Roykilva. These two helped me through some of the most painful parts of my awakening journey. There are few others I’ve worked with in this capacity.
I have a very close and special relationship with my Twin Flame, who is not of this Earth. He is helping me with my mission of emancipating negative Reptilian energy from this planet.
I started a 1:1 training course with a female Pleiadian in late spring of 2020. Her name is Siriassimassifran, and she and I spent about two months working together every day on my journey, my mission and talking about ascension-related topics. Siri (for short) is an elegant blue being with head adornments, a long svelte body, long arms and long, dainty fingers. Siri came through strongly as I started to read the second page of the 1992 classic book Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians, which is a collection of Pleiadian channeled messages by Barbara Marciniak about the ascension among other things.
During one of my sessions with Siri, she brought in and introduced me to a representative from the Galactic Federation of Light. I had never worked with them before. The specific being who spoke with me that first time is named Romaden. Romaden is originally from Lyra and has answered the call to help Mother Earth and humanity ascend by working with the Federation. Many of my most recent channelings have been a subset of or small collective from the Federation. Please see more about this relationship and our work together on the Galactic + Human Ascension Panel page. Eventually through our dialogues, the Galactic Federation of Light granted me a formal membership into the Federation. I am so thrilled and honored.
As part of the ongoing work I am doing with the Galactic Federation of Light, I am channeling messages about the ascension and posting them online. These are some of the first channelings that I’ve made public.
The Messages
Through 100s of dialogues and channelings with these highly-evolved beings of light, several important messages have been consistent. And these beings want everyone to be aware of these messages.
These guides have an eloquent and beautiful way of explaining what is happening on our planet right now, and what we in turn are experiencing as individuals and as a collective. This represents the basic tenets.
Embodying Love Over Fear
This truly has been one of the biggest unifying messages across all the beings of light whom I channel. The guides explain that our planet (and other planes of existence in this part of the galaxy) has been under the direct control of “dark forces” who have exploited humanity for a very long time. These dark overlords feed on our fear and amass wealth and power by keeping humanity in a state of control, fear, chaos and confusion. A major way that humanity can help combat this control is to embrace and embody love.
We are being asked to “de-couple” ourselves from the fear-based paradigm that is in place now on Earth and instead open our hearts—first to ourselves, then to others. We must love ourselves unconditionally, which allows us to love others unconditionally. Love is the frequency of the fifth dimension. Love is who we are at our core. Learn more about what the Galactic Federation of Light has to say about embodying love in this channeled video and other videos on my Youtube channel, Shawna L. Frances.
The ET and Extra Dimensional Presence
Extraterrestrials, highly-evolved beings of light, angels, ascended masters, the multitude of light workers here on Earth right now…this is a massive show of force to help humanity with their awakening and to help all of existence here on Earth ascend to the fifth dimension.
Commander Ashtar of the Galactic Federation of Light said this on July 28, 2020 (channeled through Shawna L. Frances):
“What is going on here is unprecedented. It has not been attempted anywhere else at any other time. We’re trying to help bring about a higher dimension here on Earth, bringing third- and fourth-dimensional beings to the fifth dimension, while in embodiment…without leaving their bodies. While in embodiment. This is the continuation of the new humanity as fifth-dimensional creatures upon the earth. It is momentous what is being attempted here. So many eyes watching this unfolding…it is absolutely important. Not only for all of you, but for many of us. It is important for the whole of existence.”
This is the time where humanity will finally understand the multi-dimensionality of existence. Full disclosure is a big part of this plan. It’s not only about understanding that the whole of existence is teeming with intelligent life, but that these beings are coming to our aid right now with absolute and unconditional love.
The Ascension Timeline
The short answer is, I don’t know timing for these events. There is an urgency for humanity to wake up as a species. That time is now. I recently had a conversation with the Galactic Federation of Light where I specifically asked about timing on the major ascension events that are expected. Watch the channeled video from July 31, 2020. Excerpts from this conversation:
Galactic Federation of Light: As the Galactic Federation of Light, my dear, honestly we are not in charge of the timing. We may be able to predict how these events might unfold, but there are even greater forces than the collective galactic team, Galactic Federation of Light, and all the benevolent beings who are supporting…there are things outside our control. Do believe it when we say that you as an individual, singularity human…as you band together with your brothers and sisters in collective consciousness to raise awareness of the ascension, to raise awareness of the idea that love is everything, it will help this ascension be more smooth and help it come along when it needs to.
The Galactic Federation of Light
Your thoughts create your reality. We ask each and every one of you to imagine what this new Earth could be, given all the information that we provided. Where everyone operates from a heart space in their soul. Where everybody sees everybody else as one with themselves. To hurt another is to hurt yourself. To judge another is to judge yourself. We are not in control of the timing here. We are so very sorry. We understand when you have a society who is slave to the clock, always wondering about future and past, plotting, planning, remembering. When you’re not in the moment and you’ve created your entire society around a clock and linear time, this is really, really hard to grasp.
What we can say my dear, is that time is of the essence. The time for awakening is now. The time for all of you to choose a path of love and light is now. The time for you to understand that you have been ruled by darkness for a very, very long time… that time is now. As you enter these higher vibrational frequencies, it’s going to shake you loose. You are going to be wondering what is happening here. “Life is so different. I feel so different. I don’t even know who I am anymore. I don’t know how to define my identity any longer. I don’t know how to relate to friends and family like I used to.” The safety and routine and the comfort of your old lives is crumbling away right in front of you. And my darlings you can embrace this change with an open heart, an open mind.