Quick check-in videos, short updates, beach walks, etc.

About My Personal Awakening and Ascension Mission — I Am the Beacon Book Now Available
I am excited to let you know that I've just launched my new book, I Am the Beacon: An Extraordinary Journey of Awakening in These Times of Ascension, available in

Facing My Fears & the Ring Pass Not
Quick check in from Shawna L. Frances regarding personal epiphanies around anger and worry, and the ability to transcend these. Archangel Metatron calls this process passing the Ring Pass Not.

It’s Good that You Don’t “Fit In” | Quick Check In Shawna L. Frances
Shawna L. Frances does a quick check in from the Sea of Cortez. #ascension #lightworkers

Mother Nature, the Ultimate Healer — What is Calling to You? Quick Check In Shawna L. Frances
Shawna L. Frances does a quick check in from the Sea of Cortez in Mexico. #ascension #lightworkers

Momma Sea Turtle Tracks & Nest on Beach — Baja Mexico
Walked the beach in Baja Mexico this morning and discovered a new turtle nest. See the route the mother turtle made up the beach to high ground to lay her

Thanks, Soul Family
Quick hello and big thank you to our amazing Soul Family. Blessings, love, light and gratitude for each of you!

Lightworker Tips: How to Survive the Rest of December 2020 | Quick Check-in
Shawna L. Frances (www.shawnalfrances.com) reflects on 2020 and shares her thoughts about how to keep centered, at peace and shining your light through the rest of December 2020. #ascension #lightworker

Quick Check-in: More on Drinking Alcohol from our Guides | Shawna L. Frances
Hi all! Quick update on a recent exchange I had with the Galactic Council on drinking alcohol and how that negatively impacts our vibration. They reiterated that new, more intense

Lightworkers & Starseeds: What are we doing and why? Quick Ascension Check-in from Shawna L. Frances
Vibrations are HIGH right now. Quick check-in from Shawna L. Frances on the Galactic Federation's "EARTH DIVISION" (this would be YOU). What is awakening? What is the ascension? Why are

Live Channeling Event: Galactic Federation of Light and Pleiadian Siri | Overview & Invitation
I'm excited to invite you to a new Channeled Livestream Event with Pleiadian Siri and the Galactic Federation of Light, this upcoming Thursday, June 24th. To learn more and register,

Live Channeling Event Follow-Up | Quick Check-in Shawna L. Frances | The Journey of Ascension
Quick overview of the live channeling event on June 24th, where Shawna channeled live: Siri from Pleiades and the Galactic Federation of Light, and then answered attendee questions with the

Balancing Your Ability to Say NO & Willingness to Say YES | Quick Check-in Shawna L. Frances
Quick check-in from Baja Mexico and my personal journey around saying YES versus saying NO, and the balance between the two. Being able to speak my truth with gentleness and

What a Year! One Year Anniversary of YouTube Channel, Free Download Gift — Quick Check-In
Hello family! Quick check-in and a celebration of our one-year anniversary of this YouTube channel and the amazing Galactic Federation of Light channeled messages. What a beautiful ride! Thank you

New Galactic Team Coming Through, the “Grand Council” | Quick Check-in Shawna L. Frances
Shawna gives an update on new extraterrestrial beings now working with her on a daily basis for the next phase of energies coming through. This team of diverse highly-evolved beings

Shawna L. Frances – Live Channeling Event in Seattle Dec. 4, 2021 | St. Germain & the GFL
Hi Army of Light! Seattle live channeling event details are here. The GFL would like to extend their reach to more people who are ready for these messages. We are

Strong Energy Frequencies, a New Interview & Personal Update from Shawna L. Frances
Just a quick update, team, about the 2/22/22 portal meditation I mentioned in my last video. I'll be postponing that event at the urging of the Galactic Federation of Light.

UPDATED DATE: Group Healing Guided Meditation LIVE SATURDAY APRIL 9th @ 11 AM Pacific Time
***UPDATE as of March 31, 2022: Monica's guided meditation is being rescheduled out 1 week to Saturday April 9th at 11 a.m. PT. Shawna will continue with this Saturday's April

JOIN LIVE: Q&A plus Update from Shawna L. Frances, SATURDAY APRIL 2nd at 11 a.m. Pacific Time
Hello everyone! I'm doing a bit of shifting here. Monica is unable to do the group healing meditation this weekend, but I've decided to keep this event on the schedule

Energy and Mission Update from Shawna L. Frances | You are ready for Ascension!
Hello friends! I'm doing well in Baja, MX and just checking in with all of you. My mission is shifting a bit to deeper shadow work, readying myself to work

Dark Times Ahead: WE WILL BE READY | Messages from Melchizedek | Check-in with Shawna L. Frances
Hi team! In this video I share messages I've received from Melchizedek the past 2 months, which include the foreshadowing of "dark times" ahead for humanity. Melchizedek says we will