Hi Army of Light! Seattle live channeling event details are here. The GFL would like to extend their reach to more people who are ready for these messages. We are taking this on the road! We started with Portland, next is Seattle and then onto Boise.
#channeling #galacticfederation #lightworkers #seattleevent
I’ll be a featured guest at the Metaphysical & Wellness Fair near Seattle, Dec. 4th, 7 – 9 pm. $22 to register.
Attendance at the MeWe Metaphysical Fair is not required to attend Shawna’s event. However, paying attendees of the MeWe Metaphysics & Wellness Fair (happening 11 AM – 7 PM Dec. 4) receive 50% off the cost of registration for Shawna’s channeling event, only $11 (use promotion code MEWE at Eventbrite) or pay at the door. Learn more about the Metaphysical & Wellness Fair for Energizing Body Mind Heart & Soul: https://www.mewefairs.com/bellevue-dec-4-5
Eventbrite: https://taketheleap.eventbrite.com
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/galactic-federation-of-light-ascension-w-shawna-l-frances/events/281940066/
Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/shawnalfrances
Shoot me an email at shawna (at) shawnalfrances.com with any questions and other ways to register.
Open your hearts and minds to the deep wisdom of St. Germain and the Galactic Federation of Light, coming through conscious channel and author Shawna L. Frances. Shawna is on a mission to help awaken as many people as possible to the reality of our existence and the reality of a changing world. Take the leap forward into this new paradigm with the guiding voice of our galactic families from beyond the veil. They have important information to share with us and are eager to be of service.
We are part of an ever-changing world going through the most monumental shift in humanity’s history. Feel this calling in your soul as high-vibrational frequencies blanket the planet. This is the ascension. You are ready for this.
“Now is the time to heed the call, act on your inspiration. Grow into beautiful bright beings of light and shine throughout the galaxy. Never before in your lifetime and never again in your lifetime with this call be stronger, will this need be greater.”
– The Galactic Federation of Light, channeled by Shawna L. Frances
Shawna radiates love, grace and enthusiasm. Her passion for her work comes out naturally in her transmissions. You easily get caught up in the high energies/vibrations her guides are sending to her and her messages align perfectly. Thank you Shawna for sharing your beautiful gifts, they are so needed at this time. Love and blessings, always!
– Barbara
What a powerful experience! Shawna is a fantastic channel and the channeling session on the vineyard was beyond words. It was such a moving experience. I left the event recharged and with a sense of inner peace and tranquility. I highly recommend this event. What a gift. Thank you Shawna and Ashvin for all you are doing to make this world and our time here rich and attuned to the higher vibrations.
– Ashley
What a beautiful event. Just wow. Wonderful nature setting, great weather and tapped in, high vibe humans. Shawna brought through many encouraging messages from St. Germain as well as The Galactic Federation of Light. What I loved the most was the sense of levity both Shawna and her partner brought through AND that Shawna followed her team’s guidance on having us all pool our energy and get connected before she began her channelings. I was floating blissfully throughout, while still grounded in the here now moment.
– Heather
Such an amazing day to be able to witness Shawna bringing thru such powerful information from St. Germain and GFL, the content of the messages is always so inspiring and uplifting and helps me to know the powerful beings we are! looking forward to more!!
– Shay
SEATTLE EVENT DETAILS – See important Covid rules for Seattle below
Date: Saturday, December 4, 2021
Time: 7 – 9 PM
Location: Vasa Park Resort, 3560 W Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE, Bellevue, WA 98008
Attendee Cost: $22 (Discount available for MeWe Fair attendees, see above*)
We’ll start around 7:15 PM with an opening, grounding and group energy work with Ashvin Sawhney. Ashvin Sawhney is an Intuitive, Empath, Tarot Reader, and an Energy Worker who works with people and animals. (Ashvin lives in Portland, OR and practices online and remotely. )
Shawna will then channel St. Germain live. After St. Germain, we’ll take a quick break and then bring in The Galactic Federation of Light. As time allows, we’ll wrap with Q&A.
NEW KING COUNTY COVID RULES APPLY TO THIS EVENT. All attendees must wear masks the entire time they are at the event (food must be eaten outside, quick sips of beverages are allowed) and all must be fully vaccinated (show Vaccination card, photo of card or QR code) OR proof of a Negative PCR COVID Test taken during the 3 days before entry per the King County mandate.