I am excited to let you know that I’ve just launched my new book, I Am the Beacon: An Extraordinary Journey of Awakening in These Times of Ascension, available in ebook and paperback formats at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08G4JG9HW. This book has been two years in the making and it has been quite a ride! In it I talk about how it felt to connect with highly-evolved beings not of Earth. I talk about the excitement of meeting my twin flame (also not of Earth) and how we’ll be working together on my unique personal mission in this lifetime. I talk about the painful conversations I had with friends and loved ones about what was happening to me…about my own struggles with this process, when I learned that everything I thought I knew about life was wrong. Before this time, I did not know anything about the ascension. Now I am a member of the Galactic Federation of Light and am committed to helping people wake up to their truths. I hope this book helps anyone who is also starting this awakening process. It can be isolating, confusing and lonely.
I had some tough conversations with my etheric team, all documented here in this book. What is the ascension? How will this impact Earth? How do extraterrestrials fit into this picture? What does it mean to be in the fifth dimension? Who is going to ascend? Why is this happening to us? I get some straight answers from Archangel Metatron, The Galactic Council, Melchizedek, and other benevolent non-Earth beings of light who’ve been tirelessly supporting me since my awakening started.
I also describe how I completely changed my lifestyle in order to raise my vibration, at the urging of my guides. I quit drinking alcohol, became a vegan and began exercising everyday. I lost 35 pounds. I quit my high-paying marketing career and spent several months in Baja, Mexico, where I completely re-assessed my life and my identity. The book includes photos of my journey, with the backdrop of the beautiful Sea of Cortez.
Shawna L. Frances is the founder of the Galactic + Human Ascension Panel (GHAP) and is a member of the Galactic Federation of Light. Shawna channels many beings of higher light including Archangel Metatron, the Pleiadians, the Galactic Council, the Galactic Federation of Light and others. Shawna’s mission is to help emancipate dark energy from the planet and humanity as we ascend into the fifth dimension.
Learn more about awakening and the ascension at http://www.shawnalfrances.com. Contact Shawna at http://www.shawnalfrances.com/contact. Check out Shawna’s new book, I Am the Beacon, published August of 2020, at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08G4JG9HW. Subscribe to this channel to get notifications when new videos are posted by Shawna.