Hi all! A lot packed into this one from Melchizedek for today’s ascension update. They build upon the lake metaphor from yesterday to help us understand a few things:
– Many people are simply used to feeling “low vibration”, such as worry, fear, despair, lack, anger. They may not know any different. As a lightworker, you can offer them, by example, a new way of experiencing life.
– Worrying about other people is a form of fear and judgment, and it lowers your vibration. Practice compassion, love, acceptance and peace. Resist the urge to want to change people, even if you feel it is for their betterment. People are exactly where they need to be, learning lessons in their own way at their own pace. Pay attention if/when you judge others’ choices, paths or experience. Allow each person their own freedom and sovereignty.
– We help other people understand that there are other choices to be made by our example and presence. Let go of any attachment to outcomes or need to change people.
– Set a strong intention to serve the collective in this way. As a beacon, hold the torch high to shine light for all. Bring levity, joy, acceptance, grace and peace through your own embodiment of these concepts. This comes by knowing who you are, what you are and how you serve.
#lightworkers, #ascension
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