Today Kryon told me that my “mask” is coming off, and it will take about 3 months for this process to be complete. More changes in store for us through the end of the year, and that 2023 will be clipping along “in high gear”. Kryon talks about our masks as tools we’ve used in the old paradigm, driven by ego and expectation. As we awaken, we become aware of these masks, or these roles we are playing, and we are in choice now whether or not we want to continue to wear these masks.
“The mask that you wear — what you might consider to be the totality of your human experience — is similar to what you may do as the lead actor in a play, in costume. You’ll try on many masks throughout your lifetime. Many identifications. Many different belief systems. So much of it influenced by your previous choices, your ancestors’ choices, the choices of those around you, those who raised you, those who broadcast to you through your devices.
All these agreements help set mutual expectations for who and what you should be at any given moment. As an awakened being, you are now able to permanently remove those masks and allow the truth of who and what you are to be evident.”
About 2023, he says, “You’ll find that 2023 will move along at a very fast clip compared to your perception of time up to this moment. Things will lock into place more easily. The machine of which you are a part will be operating in a higher gear, and it will be humming along. And the vibratory rate at that time will be able to perfectly counterbalance any lower vibrational forces at play.”
#ascension #channeling #kryon