In today’s Daily Update on the ascension, Kryon talks about the “vast new 5D landscape” and some things to be aware of. Particularly that everyone will know everyone else’s thoughts. “Everything you do, think, say, believe, can be seen by others. We don’t have the same separation in consciousness as you do now in your third dimensional density. There is a sharing of consciousness and with it comes such comfort of working together as a cohesive unit. Telepathy, intuition, communication… the bonds between people, the bonds within large groups, the communion with the land, the elements, that connectedness to source. You know yourself as an infinite expression of source and know everybody else is the same.”
“The lines between you and others will blur significantly. Particularly in comparison to where you are at now, where the separation could be labeled as extreme. There will be a harmony never felt before at this level of existence, sharing a common bond. haWt will it be like to have everybody know your thoughts?”
Kryon says not to fear, because we won’t be thinking the same way we do today. “It’s very much a different paradigm and it’s a different way of experiencing your own personal identity.”
Kryon’s call to action today: “Don’t take for granted that you are able to keep your thoughts to yourselves and that not everybody can hear what it is you’re thinking. But instead take this opportunity to get your thoughts in line with your higher purpose… here with the truth of what you are beginning to believe at deep levels, in deep ways.”
#ascension #lightworkers
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