Today Melchizedek speaks about how lightworkers will begin to feel the heightened energies of the field more intensely. “Feeling more connected. Part of something larger. Beginning to feel united in field. This is…the awareness of the shared collective field, beginning to impact and influence those who are participating in more noticeable ways.”
They talk again about marching. “The singular person marching to their own beat down the sidewalk now has become a marching band — on parade here, marching in unison, to this new beat of a drum.”
“The great changes upon us are in full swing. The momentum here will cause changes to come in greater frequency and in bigger, more grand ways. The pace will quicken. and everybody will feel this who are awake and aware. It will be a quickening.”
“Now more than ever, quiet time, solitude, reflection, tuning in, being present…more important than ever. for now the light worker who has made this choice to step fully into this mission will be called upon in grand fashion. Everyone is playing a part. Everyone is playing a role on behalf of the greater good. The knowing will be deeper, felt deeper. Irrefutable.”
#ascension #lightworkers #melchizedek