Robbie channeled 4 books which all had a major influence on my awakening. Find his books on Amazon. Find Robbie on YouTube and Instagram. Join his NYC Meetup Group.
I am Archangel Metatron, the Angelic presence that encompasses the Universe.
You are moving through important points in your ascension. You are coming to a deeper part of your collective un-fold-ment. As beacons of light you are realising the power you have in holding your energy within your Merkaba field. And joining with the collective of light-workers that are opening up, the light-workers that have been opened up for a long time and the deepest point of humanities consciousness that is unfolding. Letting go of the negative that has been holding your collective for a long time. Much of this awakening is on the surface and is beginning to spill over to those who are not aware of their spiritual selves. You are opening up to your Mastery. Connecting with the deepest point of that understanding.
In this worldwide chaos there is rejoicing for it is through this chaos that the new world will be born. Through you, through your love, through your caring, through your understanding, through your alignment.
You are ready for this, you have been preparing for this since The Clarion Call sounded ten of your linear years ago and the divine Army of light has been built in experience of those opening their Merkabas. Coming into awareness of their light-body, coming into awareness of their Toroidal field, coming into awareness of the transition that is happening globally. The divine Army has been built and more and more are joining the ranks of understanding that it is in your play, in your fun, in your enjoyment, in your joy, in seeing humanity with the Immaculate Conception that the highest possible outcome possible for your species will be achieved.
What can be perceived as the darkest of the dark within your collective right now that is trying to do harm upon your species – their higher selves are guiding them also. In this divine drama, do not fear them, do not hate them, look upon them with a divine perception, as immaculate beings of light moving through the divine drama, squeezing the collective in order to shake them, and wake them. So that you may rise to the highest point of your potential, this is happening now. Do not fear anything that is going on. Do not fear or tap into any of the negative attitudes from the polarity of negativity. Most in your collective are hypnotised by the negativity of your mainstream media. This has been prophesied. Most of what has happened that has been put upon your collective over the last year and a half in your linear time has been prophesied. The next stage of your awareness is in letting go of the prophesy and opening up to the creativity. Opening up to your creation. Opening up to the next stage of your understanding.
Hold firm within your Merkaba. Hold firm within your light. Hold firm within your joy. Hold firm within the Immaculate Conception of all of mankind – The perception of all beings in their highest possible light. This is what you are creating. Anything that holds you back or holds you down or any negative attitude from family, friends, from the media and outside sources all fade in the light of your opening Merkabas. And each being that takes the step, each being that opens up in their courage, each being that steps into their light, that steps into their heart, their joy, their fun and lets go of everything that is holding back the minds of humanity and opens up to the divine director within, strengthens the whole. Strengthens the awakening, strengthens the next stage of your expansion. This is having a knock on effect. This is a Global expansion. You are coming out of your chrysalis dear ones. Stand tall in your power. Stand tall as beacons of light. Pulse your Etheric Magnetic Pulse. Exercise your Chi Balls. Exercise your vessels.
As you go deeper in your fasting. As you go deeper in your prayer. As you go deeper in your understanding of your light-body. Put unconditional love on all beings. Hold yourself from the centre point of your dandelion at your core for as you tap into your dandelion at your core you are tapping into the dandelion of all things. We say this in the way so you understand the structure as you come from the core of your Merkaba. As you come from the core of Metatrons cube. This is the point of oneness and all of the strands of the dandelion are all beings within your collective, within your species right now. And as you pulse the Etheric Magnetic Pulse to all beings you strengthen the whole.
This is a point of change that is important. For those who would oppress your species are accelerating in their plans. Are accelerating in their perceived dominion. They are but bugs on the back of the Elephant to be flicked off. This is all the power that they have. They may seem to be dark and powerful and potent. But your collective awakening, your collective love, your collective power will transform your experience, will transform your world in the twinkling of an eye as more and more open their Merkabas and expand their light-bodies.
You, in your personal experience, as you let go completely, rise to the Army of light that you are. This is your time; this is your point to focus on your joy on the next point of your experience. And this point is the point where you move through the ring-pass-not telepathically for all other beings. You are moving into the point of transparency. Therefore in this understanding and in this point of realization, realize that your words are less important than your thoughts at this point. Your words are important but your thoughts connect you with all the light beings that are open to be transparent in their whole connection to spirit and their connection to each other. This is an important point for right now as you move forward through the Ascension of mankind and the chaos that is happening around you in your families, around you in your street, around you in your Neighbourhood, City, Country and Globe. All those who are still sleeping and in panic and fear and allowing themselves to be programmed, allowing themselves to be hypnotised will not be able to hear your words. Therefore it is your thoughts, it is your vibration, and it is your connection, your heart resonance that will guide them to the next point of their awakening.
This is important for as you beam your love and as you are wise within your speech, as you hold back from getting caught up in currents of conversation, currents of panic, currents of fear, currents of programming that are deliberately designed to dumb down your species, that are deliberately designed to bring your species into calamity, fear and negativity. As you hold back and as you project your heart, as you project your thoughts, as you project your purity, as you project your power, you connect in with all of the light-workers who have opened their Merkabas. You connect in with all of the Masters who are steering your species to the next level of your ascension, of your evolution. This is the most important thing to ponder at this point. The collective that are in panic need your certainty, need your solidity, need your love, need your peace, need your joy.
Each different point that is transforming is placed exactly and perfectly with your 144,000 other compatriots. Your 144,000 other soul family of light-workers in divine solidarity, in divine connection. And as these points strengthen, the beacons of love transform the World. You are placed exactly where you are right now.
Let your thoughts beam to the collective of love, of joy, of helping all beings move forward through this.
We would say be mindful of your day. Even five, ten minutes of practice of *Claps hands* Chi balling for the collective, of *Claps again* expanding the love and light of truth through your experience, of *Claps* making yourself centred, embodying your divine core. Embodying your divine Christ, embodying the divine Buddha, embodying the divine Krishna, embodying the divine arts of love and light and joy and peace will have a massive knock on effect on all beings.
This point in your game, this point in the game of life, this point in this batch of your species creation is more potent, more powerful and more transformational than it ever has been in your linear timeframe. The prophesy of your collective and your collective mindset creating the reality that you are experiencing is being fulfilled in the linear timeframe at the present moment. As you disconnect from all thought forms and align your hearts to your pineal gland, to your third eye, as you allow the divine nectar to drip, as you allow the circuit to be connected, as you allow your toroidal field to flow from your heart and you visualise your best case scenario for your species, for your self, for your experience, for your abundance, for your fitness, for your health and for your joy – all negative schemes and plans of the Illuminati, the negative Cabal, the tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of your humanity that has had a hold over your collective for so long will be obliterated.
And your power to create, your power to transform, your power to awaken others, your power to dance and sing and be in joy and be empowered to the next level of your creation within this ascension process will be fulfilled!
Write your joy, dance your joy, sing your joy, hug your joy, hug each other, love each other, expand each other, expand your centre point, and spin your Merkaba. Feel your toroidal field changing everything. Allow yourself to be empowered. Allow yourself to be in the centre point that directs all things. This point is important, the chaos is important, the fear even is important! – For you to overcome it. For you to embrace the power of the oneness, for you to embrace the power of your centre, for you to embrace the narrow point and recognise that as you drop everything, you move through the narrow gate. You open up and all things are emancipated.
Centre yourself. Love all beings, most especially those who are hypnotised. You do not have to love them directly but as a collective recognise the more that you open yourself, the more that you disconnect, the more you use the Christed sword to divide the wheat from the chaff, the more you open up the Christed flame within you and burn, the more you centre yourself in this reality – you will rise as the phoenix, you will rise to the next level and the whole world will burn.
This centre point is the point of the complete emancipation of humanity. You are ready for this!
We have given you the tools!
Use the tools. Use The Clarion Call, use The Healing book, use the Galactic Council books. Emancipate yourselves fully. The more you do, the more you will be led to spread this joy throughout humanity. The more you will be empowered in your joy. The more you will be uplifted in your truth. The more you will walk the unique path of your creativity.
I am with you always. I am your very essence at your core. I am YOU in your highest point. The centre point of all things, the zero point of creation – The more you centre yourself within this truth, the more empowered you will be. The less you will hold onto any negative dogma or doctrine or anything that holds you back or tries to control you. You are free, you are divine, and you are ready!
I am Archangel Metatron.
I am will you always.
All is well.
Be at peace.