Today Melchizedek checked in with me about the next 3 months and the shedding of my mask, and how I feel about that. They spoke more about the illuminated path — whereby each next step is made apparent just before you take the next step. They said that indeed I would not be “sacrificing” anything to be on this path. On the contrary.
***I also added some of my videos from the last two days at Dana Point at the end of my video in case anyone is interested in seeing Stevie Nicks and Eddie Vedder sing “Stop Dragging my Heart Around” and Eddie and band playing. Today is the 5-year anniversary of Tom Petty’s death, so the weekend was full of covers of his songs.***
The Channeler who I mentioned tonight, with whom we had dinner, is Shepherd Hoodwin. You can learn more about him and book a psychic session with him at 👍🏻
#melchizedek #ascension #lightworkers