Today Melchizedek explained that we’ve entered a new phase of our work together, and this represents a major pivot. For now, our time with Queen Elizabeth has concluded. She is helping in other areas, they said, however it will not be the last time we work with her. Melchizedek said they’d be happy to continue to answer questions about the Negative Rep regime as appropriate. Melchizedek spoke about the real battles being waged in the stars right now, much like how we’ve envisioned this in our movies. Much was said about the Army of Light, Galactic Division. They named three “lieutenants” whom I can call upon at any time. I’ll continue to work with Melchizedek and team each day where they’ll let me into more of “their world”, and will make one video per week to catch everyone up. They said there’ll be plenty of work for the Army of Light, Earth Division. We make this pivot as a team.
#channeling #galacticfederation #disclosure #ascension