May 17, 2023. Today I walk through some major personal clearings and activations that I experienced this past week, one of which was reclaiming some of my trapped energy from the Negative Reps. We learned this week of this dark technology/consciousness referred to as the “black cube” that has its nexus in Antarctica, but is also in various places around the world. The Reps use this black cube technology to enslave light/energy/essence of various humans and other beings from beyond our planet which allows them a great amount of control over the light. This week we worked to free that trapped energy at this level, and it was a gigantic undertaking, highly coordinated with other species and beings from other realms. Melchizedek also helped me pass beyond another threshold today, whereby my entire understanding of existence will be forever altered. It was a big week!
#disclosure #lightworkers #ascension #melchizedek #galacticfederation