Hello dear Army of Light Earth Division!
Thank you for opening this newsletter and for all your love and support. My appreciation for you is boundless and my respect for you, endless!
I’m excited to give you a sneak peek of the first information that Melchizedek brought forth for the new book I’m channeling. I’d love to hear your feedback. Thank you, amazing team!
Love to each of you!
– Shawna
August 9, 2023
“The Book” Day 1
Thank you, Shawna, for your willingness to sit with us in the coming weeks, the coming months, to bring forth this information that will help humankind have a better understanding of the far-reaching and widely-impacting negative Reptilian influence here on this planet Earth.
This vessel, this channel Shawna, has been preparing for this for a very long time. In fact, many lifetimes if you can imagine. This has been an extremely challenging and trying preparatory period for Shawna. For in this lifetime, she’s learned a great deal about who and what she is and how she got to this point to be channeling such a book. We commend her for her bravery, her strength, and her tenacity to see a project through to the end. This project is one for the ages.
Let us begin first by saying we bring this information forward with a bit of a heavy heart, as they say. We don’t want to bring any additional feelings of strife, angst or suffering to this plane of existence. You’ve all suffered so much already. You’ve suffered a great deal. And by bringing forth this information, it is our sincerest hope, our sincerest objective, to bring enlightenment and a much-needed conscious awareness to the inner workings and the other underpinnings of a massive off-planetary regime who has deliberately, conscientiously and brutally subjugated an entire species from inception until today.
Please understand, our friends who hear these words or read these words, we come to you as your allies, united and aligned to such a great degree in ways that may be unfathomable even to those who find themselves with this information.
We are Melchizedek. We are a consortium of guides who work on an interplanetary level with evolving and awakening species such as yourselves. The negative Reptilian influence here has been a thorn in the side for the likes of us who observe from outside of the immediate third-dimensional density, your earthbound experience. We make it our leading focus here with all of you, humanity as a whole, to do everything in our power to provide guideposts, a helping hand, important information, and a dawning of awareness for the truth of what has been plaguing this round of existence for hundreds of thousands of years.
At this time, we’d also like to thank you the reader, the listener, for going on this particular journey with us, with an open heart, an open mind and a willingness to help aid in the cosmic disclosure of such nefarious actors. It is you who are on the front lines of this “battle”. It is you who helps prepare the steppingstones for generations who will follow behind you. You make their paths so much easier and much more clearly illuminated than where you find yourselves today in this moment.
You are being asked, dear ones, to what we’d describe as carry this burden, the burden of knowing. This work that you do, carrying this burden, is not for the faint of heart. But know that you also, each of you, have prepared in your own ways to receive this information, to carry this information and to help see it reach the light of day. It’s an important role in this overarching process of evolution that Earth and humanity find themselves in at this moment. May each of you not feel that this is a crushing weight to carry this burden, but instead a dutiful honor, knowing that the raising of consciousness about this matter is the first major steppingstone to liberation.
It is as simple as that.
We wish to start at the beginning. We would say it is a relative beginning, a beginning that will aid you in understanding the bigger picture of the complex situation you find yourselves in today.
There was a time in your earth’s history where humanity (at least this current version of humanity) was a newly-seeded species on a planet that had been carefully and meticulously nurtured and manipulated to perfectly match the living requirements for this new species. Here we had planet Earth, in her majestic glory, already sustaining many lifeforms with an abundant ecosystem and a diverse environment which allowed those life forms to thrive.
It is important to note that humanity is the result of careful planning and development at the finest genetic levels. You are considered to be a master race in that your capacity for intelligent reasoning, your capacity for love, your ability to think abstractly and to learn, make you a very special species on a galactic level.
Another attribute that was thrilling those who helped create you is your ability to display a wide range of emotion. These emotions are actually a byproduct of humanity’s huge capacity to know and feel love at the deepest of levels. The caring, the empathy, compassion, and understanding that comes as a result of this massive capacity for love sets you apart. It makes humanity very special. The ability to feel and embrace such a wide range of expression through the emotions is a major reason why souls are so very interested in incarnating here on Earth into a human body. It’s this very unique human experience, with all the highs and lows and interplays of emotion that make this a very rich journey for souls on an evolutionary trajectory. Your emotions, your ability to feel so deeply, could be considered one of your super powers as a species.
This sets you apart, and at the same time, makes you very appealing to the likes of negative Reptilians who have learned how to exploit, harvest, and even ingest the energetic frequencies that accompany your heartfelt emotions.
The last 200,000 years or so has seen major cataclysmic events on a planetary-wide scale, making the planet almost unrecognizable from what it was back then. The geologic record, if your modern day scientists had the ability to see and measure the vast physical changes the earth has endured over this timeframe, would show that this planet is extremely resilient and adaptive when situations arise that call for these things.
Mother Earth herself is a living, conscious being, an embodiment of source, much like each of you who walk upon her surface today. She has wants, needs and desires, an ability to reason and to think abstractly, a refined intellect, and she has also chosen an evolutionary pathway. Mother Earth understands that in order to continue on her path as a sentient being, certain changes must occur within her physical structure and also within her level of consciousness. Know that Mother Earth has made the decision to undertake a massive leap in consciousness, specifically moving from a third-dimensional body to a fifth-dimensional body. All facets of her existence are on this evolutionary path, and all facets of her will change in order to reach and adapt to this new level.
What this means is twofold. First, the vibratory rate of this entity’s existence is increasing. And second, this requires that all who dwell upon her surface, and those who reside under her surface, must make this evolutionary leap in vibration along with her. This is the process of ascension, and it’s underway now, our friends. At a certain level of consciousness, humanity has said yes to ascension. Mother Earth has made this choice on a conscious level and humanity has done the same. This is a time of great change for the planet and for all of you who have said yes. The stage has been set. The major pieces are in place. Agreements have been made. And this plan is now in motion.
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“We make a connection with the deeper aspects of you
that are not solely ruled by the mind.”
– Melchizedek
Copyright © Shawna L Frances | All rights reserved.
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