February 6, 2024. Today Melchizedek explains exactly what we should be doing now to help counteract and counterbalance the Negative Reptilian Regime’s negative influence on humanity. First is our personal energetic field, our vibration – love, kindness and universal acceptance being the main components of a high vibration. They reiterated that our personal fields equal the collective field – there is no way to separate this. Second is understanding who we are fighting. The enemy is not each other, our fellow humans, but an off-planet species who makes a sport of our suffering. Third is to “guard our speech” at all times, spoken aloud and thought. Strive to see ourselves in anyone we are interacting with. Offer kindness, an open heart, in every interaction.
They explained our current moment with the metaphor of a garden. Seeds have been planted and our now sprouting. Allow Melchizedek’s unconditional love and nurturing to be the water, sun and soil to help our light grow and expand.
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