June 18, 2024
Hello BOTG!
Big hugs and thanks for opening this newsletter! I’ll start with a personal note below. Then I included an excerpt from the channeled book about light and dark. And finally a quick reminder that we have our first live channeling event with Melchizedek tomorrow (Wednesday June 19th, 2024 at 11 AM Pacific). I’d love to see you there. The event is free, or pay-what-you-wish with a donation: please register (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/924134901367?aff=oddtdtcreator) .
First, I’ll just say that I’m feeling a bit nervous for our live event tomorrow! But I’m more excited than nervous. We get to create a shared space with Melchizedek in real-time, basking in their loving frequencies and connecting through dimensions, time and space. Magic! The love waves are sweeping me off my feet and keeping me floating through most days, most of the time. Many times I’m almost crushed by the love, so intense and deep. I do find it challenging to be on my computer, doing work, taking care of bills, creating newsletters, etc. etc. So it’s important for me to take time to stay grounded while integrating these frequencies. Working out at the gym and taking long walks on the river have been critical.
In terms of the channeling, I’m beginning to understand more about how the continuity of our different lifetimes as lightworkers have prepared us for this moment. What a powerful perspective to help put all this ascension stuff (and our individual lives) in context. I can see also how 1,000 years will be here relatively quickly…it’s around the corner when you think about the past 200,000 years since those critical times in Lemuria. (More on this from last week’s vid (https://youtu.be/ievaMFzgfUo) if you missed it.)
I’ve been collecting extra food and canned goods, stocking up. Seems sureal and honestly makes me feel a but uneasy trying to imagine the scenarios that may unfold before us as the most critical infrastructures of our planet begin to crumble. Still so much unknown. Yet here we are, doing our best and trying to have an open mind and an open heart. We are in it together. (Video on this topic (https://youtu.be/_RRfikruDPc) if you missed it.)
The marathon energy work continues with Melchizedek, six hours yesterday at their request. Every day now I check with them first thing in the morning about how the day might unfold. It is a beautiful partnership. I’m also working behind the scenese to better understand The Book of Revelation and how these prophecies are reflected in our modern day. I’ll just say that my mind is being BLOWN. More on that later I hope!
I’m also compiling the manuscript for THE BOOK, the channeled book for Melchizedek. The galactic war got us off track with the book late last year, but we are ready to re-start the channeling once I get caught up with the manuscript. As I mentioned, so hard to be on computer! But it’s critical and I’m making progress. Re-reading the material has reignited my excitement for it.
I’m so very honored to be working with all of you in this capacity. THANK YOU for being here. 💜
Blessings and unconditional love!
JOIN MELCHIZEDEK AND ME LIVE for a 90-minute FREE or DONATION-based Q&A event. Wednesday June 19th at 11 AM Pacific. REGISTER HERE (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/924134901367?aff=oddtdtcreator) .
“Light versus dark should also be explained in this context. On the light side of the spectrum, we associate this with a higher vibration, a higher consciousness, a connection to love, a deeper understanding of unity and of collective consciousness. This is where service-to-others as an orientation resides.
At the opposite end of the spectrum, the dark mindset is more oriented toward service-to-self and all the attributes that accompany that orientation. In this context, the dark represents a negative polarization and disregard for the well-being of others outside of the self or outside of the species. It’s associated with lower density, lower frequencies. And it’s also a necessary aspect of life itself.
This entire spectrum from light to dark and everything in between represents the totality of existence. All souls on an evolutionarily path will get a chance to experience all points on the spectrum in one way or another and will benefit greatly from those experiences. Issues arise when a long and sustained imbalance between light and dark is perceived. The grand cosmic balancing act that happens on all planes of existence can become off track. And this, in fact, can have devastating downstream effects for existence.
This is the case with Planet Earth’s humanity and the Negative Reptilian regime. There has been a widespread imbalance for quite some time, and now you are all experiencing the corrective measures being taken to restore balance and harmony back to this planet and back to this sector of the universe. Humanity has asked for help in this regard. This may be out of reach consciously for most of you, but know that as a collective, humanity has declared themselves as free and has requested help on a collective soul level to finally break free from the control mechanisms in place at the hands of the Negative Reptilian regime.”
Army of Light Earth Division Americas – Unisex Tri-blend T-shirt
Army of Light Earth Division Americas – Unisex Tri-blend T-shirt
Army of Light Earth Division Americas – Unisex Tri-blend T-shirt
Tender. Unconditional. Special. Magical. Vulnerable.
I tried to convey the loving trust I feel with our guides through this image.
– Shawna L. Frances
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