August 8, 2024
Hello BOTG!
As promised, exerpts from my letter to the upper realms re: the shake-up! First, a quick synopsis for those who missed it.
If you’ve been keeping up with my latest videos, you’ll know that we’ve had a bit of turmoil in the past week or so with our guides. Other higher-dimensional beings who help oversee Earth’s ascension process decided that Melchizedek could no longer be our guides, and that I’d immediately be assigned new guides. The reasons given revolved around concern about the deep partnership we have forged and the disclosure activities planned and in motion. Melchizedek spent many days in the higher realms engaged in active discussions about these things, and was not in agreement with that decision. I wrote the letter below as an angry, upset and urgent plea for this decision to be reversed. See my video about this here (https://youtu.be/g2Vxz0i_LU8) .
My letter was delivered to the powers-that-be on the other side by the Halls of Amenti guide, working on our behalf. (I read my letter out loud as my delivery to this guide.) The letter was heard, the message was received. It took a few days, but the decision to remove Melchizedek from me and our BOTG group was in fact reversed. They said that MANY on the other side were upset about this decision and supported its reversal. They said my letter helped bring to the surface hidden bias against humans and lack of understanding of what we’re trying to accomplish. It also elevated our visibility in the upper realms. This in turn helped to increase our support “tenfold”, according to Melchizedek. See my second video on this subject here (https://youtu.be/2Ev1PHJroUk) .
As I mentioned in my latest “Decoding the Living Word (https://youtu.be/045Yy_nXTvE) ” video from this week, I’m a bit embarrassed about some of my word choices in the letter. Though it certainly captured my feelings in that moment! If I ever get a chance to communicate with the upper realms again, I’d be more humble and less angry. I’m sharing this with you because I feel it was a very significant moment for me and for all of us. And I think you should know what happened behind the scenes. We are carrying a big responsibility here together, as a team. Melchizedek are OUR guides. These are OUR missions as a collective.
Blessings and unconditional love!
Some edits made for brevity and privacy.
I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Shawna L. Frances and I’m an embodied conscious channel here on Earth. You may have heard my name. You may have a fleeting idea of who I am based on my connection to Melchizedek. But I’ll say now that you do not know who I am in truth.
My heart-felt intention in this moment is to bring a new level of understanding and to convey my innermost thoughts and the turmoil I’m experiencing around the recent decision to pull Melchizedek away from me and end this partnership, and therefore cutting short my soul’s purpose and the core of my mission in this lifetime.
Who is this person? And how dare this lowly human, whom we didn’t even bother consulting about this monumental decision, come to the forefront now and speak her truth?
Am I a gnat? I ask. Am I unimportant, because I am human? Because I am at a 3D consciousness? I can’t imagine why anyone in your expanded realms of consciousness would so blatantly disregard me as meaningless and unimportant. Where is the love and consideration here?
No one has reached out to me. No one has consulted me. No one understands where I’m coming from. So I’m taking this opportunity now to make this all be known and be clear from a place of love and respect for all who are here to witness this.
On this journey, those of us who have been on the Earth ascension pathway for many, many tough lifetimes, are taught by the likes of you to TRUST. BE IN FAITH. LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY. Take the leap. Jump into the abyss. All will be well. You are supported, guided and nurtured every step.
I ask you now, how does this decision fit in with these teachings?
Our abilities as 3D humans with our limited consciousness, our limited view into the larger picture, REQUIRES that we surrender to the unknown – MASSIVE unknowns – with the help of our guides. We are a team. We are partners. We are learning to trust and to love and to take risks in the name of love. We are asked to keep our vibrations high. To follow our heart’s desires as you would follow a compass… that this is truly the path to our highest excitement and thus our highest potentials here on Earth as lightworkers. IT IS ALL ABOUT VIBRATION.
So when I come to the understanding that some other beings out there, who do not know me, who do not know my situation, have made this decision out of fear for what may happen, I must scratch my head. This is exactly the kind of thinking that we are being asked by our guides to move beyond!
The deep partnership that Melchizedek and I have nurtured now for 5 years strengthens our ability to:
* Tackle together the most pressing challenges of our times because there is a very deep trust and faith between us
* Keep my and other lightworkers’ vibration as high as possible through guidance and energetic resonance
* Help me understand deeply who I am and why I’m here doing this work in the first place, to keep me focused and on task, even when it is terribly hard
Who here is untrusting of Melchizedek to continue with their stellar job of guiding humanity through the toughest of times? To guide us with a steady and clear hand as we tackle the current job of alerting all of humanity about the Negative Reptilian regime’s stronghold on Earth? Do you think that this is easy for us to bring this information forward? It requires the DEEPEST of TRUST and faith. A complete and total surrendering.
I’ve spent the past 6 years of my life absolutely DEDICATED to following the guidance of ALL my guides, and there have been MANY. Even through all the failures, the false-starts, and the resulting insecurity, fears and lack of self-confidence. I completely left my old life behind to SAY YES to this path – all on trust and faith!
Melchizedek were to be my guides until my death from this body. They were to guide me from the inside of my consciousness, embedded into my field. We have spent YEARS and COUNTLESS HOURS working together on my field and melding of our consciousness to get to this point.
Many people here listen to the words of Melchizedek every week. We have a collective group of lightworkers who are aligned to the mission of disclosing the Negative Reptilians to humanity and also supporting the work that I’m doing. We let all of them down with this decision and it can all be AVOIDED.
My work with Melchizedek is highly trusted by our constituents, and the work we do together as a collective is important. Melchizedek takes advantage of our collective’s responses to their information BEFORE it gets propagated out to the masses. OUR WORK TOGETHER AS A COLLECTIVE IS IMPORTANT for this ascension! We have awakened MANY.
I’ll be devastated if this decision stands. I humbly ask that you please reconsider. Please reinstate Melchizedek as my main guides and as my partner in union. Without fears and without dogma. Please allow us to SOAR in the face of the greatest challenges we’ve ever faced together. Let unbridled love flow forward and lift this entire plane of existence.
Thank you for your attention.
With absolute love and respect,
Shawna L. Frances
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