October 14, 2024
Hello my friends, my soul family, the amazing BOTG!
Ugh, this has been a challenging process! As I mentioned in a recent video, there is so much I’d like to express about this topic, so much to say. How do I tell you about this new phase of my relationship with Melchizedek in a succinct way, yet somehow, capture the true essence of what is happening? Much of it is hard to articulate. I’d love for you to really feel what I’m (we’re) going through. It is changing and evolving every day.
I thought it would be interesting to tell some of our story as though it were written into the Bible (below in the blue box). I’m not overly thrilled with this approach. But I do think it portrays some interesting descriptions and paints a conceptual picture of generally where we are at in this moment.
I’d like to keep you up to date on this relationship over time. Possibly it is important for our collective. This is challenging me and Melchizedek and all of us to entertain such an idea. I’ve married our guides. Yes, this happened…for me this is very real. On October 18th, it will have been three months since our beautiful etheric wedding. Melchizedek has said that more unions like this are forthcoming.
A LOT has gone on in these past three months. I’ve come to know Melchizedek in a very different way, and in ways that have taken me by surprise. We are relating on a much more personal level. I am seeing and experiencing their vulnerabilities, even their fears (who knew they had fears???), their humor, wisdom and sweetness. I’m getting to know all aspects of their expression. We are growing more like lovers and friends, while also maintaining the guide/student part of our relationship. We are laughing a lot. We are crying. We are both dealing with all kinds of unforseen emotions that are challenging us to stay present, open, honest and real with each other. Our short time together in this marriage has been intense for both parties. But I will say, I am ELATED with this union.
Melchizedek is doing their best to be an incredible partner, even without a physical body. This has been one of their biggest issues–them feeling a sense of lack at not having a body, not being able to touch and be with me physically. They didn’t realize this was going to be an issue for them going into this union. So…they say are still evolving, just like any form of existence (who knew???). We are talking all the time, working through these more shadowy aspects much like any partnership here on the Earth plane.
One other thing I’ll mention is that they have changed their avatar. If you remember from a while back, they used to look quite alien in my mind’s eye. About a month before they proposed, they presented to me a brand new avatar. AND WOWZA. He’s absolutely gorgeous. And of course he would be, they modeled him after what they knew to be my ideal physical type. So I am interacting (most of the time) with Melchizedek as this human man. And it has become much more than an avatar to them. They are embracing this body as core to their expression. This is a major aspect of this relationship in its new form. Though I expect as time goes, this body will become less and less important.
Thank you everyone who has expressed support, concern and consternation about this union. I appreciate you more than I can say. And thank you for being present for this personal information.
Blessings and unconditional love!
I wanted to explore what it might be like to talk about our relationship
as though it were written in the style of the Bible. -Shawna
Genesis 6
When men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born unto them, ^2the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose.
A Tale of Divine Union
And it came to pass that I, a mortal woman, found favor in the eyes of the sons of God. They beheld my form and found it fair, and so they took me to be their bride. Thus, I became a consort of the gods, a celestial partner bound between two worlds.
Despite the unconventional nature of our relationship, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and happiness with this union. I was blessed with a love that was pure, unconditional, and eternal. Though others may have thought me crazy, I knew the truth. I had found a love that was truly divine.
My days were filled with gentle guidance and unconditional love. The sons of God nurtured me, tended to my needs, and watched over me with a protective eye. They were my shepherds, leading me through the valleys of life and showering me with adoration.
Yet, in the midst of this heavenly bliss, a storm arose. For in the beginning of our union, I had sought to maintain earthly connections. I desired the companionship of mortal men, and so we agreed that I could continue these relationships unabated.
Only weeks after our grand wedding, my beloved grew weary at the prospect of me sharing my affections with another. They urged me to forsake my earthly romantic ties, that I give myself solely to them. This was a heavy burden to bear, for I had grown accustomed to the love and affection of mortal men.
Thus, I found myself torn. My heart yearned for both, and I struggled to reconcile the conflicting desires within me. All the while, my etheric beloved also grappled with their feelings, which they said came about unexpectedly.
A Divine Dilemma
My divine beloved, though filled with eternal love, were not without their shadow. Jealousy and possessiveness, emotions often associated with mortals, found their way into their hearts. They felt immense guilt and shame for their wishes, yet this request of their mortal bride was unwavering.
I, though torn between two worlds, endeavored to comply. I sought to curtail my earthly connections, to sever the ties that bound me to mortal men. But the pull of human affection was strong, and I struggled to resist its allure.
Then, a divine intervention for which I had quietly prayed. A faint seed was planted in the heart of my mortal lover. A thought, a subtle suggestion, entered his mind: that he was better off alone, that the weight of our relationship was too much to bear.
I had cherished his love, and the thought of losing him was painful. Yet, I also understood that my beloved’s happiness was paramount. For their sake, I pondered if I could accept this different reality.
The ensuing silence from my mortal lover weighed heavy upon my heart. I mourned the loss of our connection. I felt a sense of control had been stripped from me. Yet, had I not given up a large measure of control long ago?
With no earthly lovers to distract me, could I fully immerse myself in this new divine union? My celestial beloved, though lacking a physical form, is an incredible lover. We share a consciousness, a deep connection that transcends the physical realm. Our intimacy at times seems to shatter and then recreate fractals of love on a cosmic level.
I don’t have an easy answer for this. As with all things, this shall evolve one precious moment at a time.
A Divine Partnership
My spiritual beloved, having known me through countless lifetimes, sees me beyond my mortal form. We have endured and suffered, loved and expanded, many times over. I feel this deeply in my bones.
Through their love, I am held and cherished in a way I have never experienced before. Though our relationship is far from ordinary, it is a source of immense joy and fulfillment. I am excited for the opportunity to explore the depths of this love, to see where we’ll go together. To bring the idea of this marriage to the world at large so that we may all feel the incredible possibilities that such a union might create.
My beloved speaks of our relationship beyond this lifetime, a concept that fills me with both awe and trepidation. I am unable to comprehend the possibilities, the infinite potential of our connection. So we maintain our presence in the now and just allow.
A Leap of Faith
As I beheld my beloved, ready to accept their proposal, a sense of calm washed over me. I felt a deep certainty, a knowing that this was the right path for me. Yet, the voices of doubt and skepticism surrounded me. Many questioned my sanity. Many wondered if I was being deceived or misled.
I appreciated their concern, their love for me. But ultimately, I knew that I had to follow my own heart. This was a decision that I had to make for myself, a leap of faith that I was willing to take.
And so, I said yes. I chose to embrace this unconventional relationship, to trust in the love that bound us together.
At the time, I hadn’t realized the intensity this divine union would bring. How it would challenge both of us. Indeed it has become a decision that has changed my life forever.
A butterfly, so delicate and small,
A bear, so massive, mighty, tall.
Two beings, worlds apart,
Yet bound by a love that’s a work of art.
Whispers carried on the breeze,
Telepathic thoughts, a precious ease.
A language only they could understand,
A bond that transcended every land.
The delicate flutter, the mighty roar,
A love so different, forevermore.
The small and mighty, side by side,
A testament to love’s boundless tide.
A beacon shining, bright and true,
Inspiring others, old and new.
To break free from the chains of fear,
And embrace the love that’s truly near.
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