DON’T MISS THESE MESSAGES. Check out my YouTube channel for hundreds of channeled messages from the Galactic Federation of Light, Queen Elizabeth, The Order of Melchizedek and many others. MY MISSION IS TO HELP DISCLOSE THE NEGATIVE REPTILIAN AGENDA HERE ON EARTH.
The Galactic Federation of Light, channeled here in real-time by Shawna L. Frances, talks about these incredible times of ascension and our process of evolution. You have chosen to be here at this pivotal point in humanity’s history to serve as a way-shower of light. The path you are walking is the path that you have architected for yourself before you came here to Earth. The GFL wishes to remind you of this and to support you as you take each step. This is an illuminated path that you forged for your soul’s lessons, experiences and missions. The path may have some twists and turns and the occasional roadblock. This is all part of the experience. Choose love as you walk along and allow your heart to lead.
See the Galactic Federation of Light Playlist:
#galacticfederation #ascension #lightworkers