I wanted to share a fantastic book that I came across and which is helping me enormously. The name is: I AM THE BEACON: AN EXTRAORDINARY JOURNEY OF AWAKENING IN THESE TIMES OF ASCENSION, by Shawna Frances. I found the author’s YouTube channel by synchronicity. She was asked by her guides to start the channel only 30 days ago! And let me tell you, her messages are incredible and very helpful! She is one of the most genuine and loving human beings I have ever known, and those qualities come through in her channelings. She channels and gives messages from Archangel Metatron, the Galactic Federation of Light, the Galactic Council and many others. During these times when we are all on the same journey, but not quite at the same level, her journey of awakening is fascinating and it gives a lot of hope! The messages that she channels are informative, direct and to the point. Most notable, the message that the thousands of beings who are helping us need us to hear is that WE NEED TO WAKE UP TO OUR TRUE NATURE and they are doing everything in their power to help us. We need to heed the call and she is an absolute beacon to help us do that.