The Galactic Federation of Light (channeled here by Shawna L. Frances) are reaching out to you directly to talk about the most important parts of the ascension for humanity at this time. Though you may be suffering and in pain right now, this is the best time to embrace love and shun fear. “While this may seem like an impossible situation, and the wrong time to let go of the fear that grips you, know that is the absolutely perfect time to do that. It is the best time to do that. Now in the present moment.”
The Federation is seeking to wake up as many people on the planet as possible. They continue to say that we are at a critical crossroads in terms of where we sit in relation to the ascension. There is urgency in this message. We are ready to know the truth of our existence and to embrace a new path forward. The Federation and other beings of higher light are here to assist in real ways. Use your free will to ask for help.
Shawna L. Frances is the founder of the Galactic + Human Ascension Panel (GHAP) and is a member of the Galactic Federation of Light. Shawna channels many beings of higher light including Archangel Metatron, the Pleiadians, the Galactic Council and others. Shawna’s mission is to help emancipate dark energy from the planet and humanity as we ascend into the fifth dimension.
Learn more about awakening and the ascension at Contact Shawna at Check out Shawna’s new book, I Am the Beacon, published August of 2020, at Subscribe to this channel to get notifications when new videos are posted by Shawna.
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