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Hello beautiful one!
Welcome to my first official newsletter. You are part of the original gangsters here at shawnalfrances.com. The Army of Light! Thank you! I’m so happy we’ve found each other.
I’d like to share with you two of several channeling sessions I had before starting my YouTube channel with the Galactic Federation of Light. These may provide more context about your personal journeys and missions of light.
The messages that came through below were precursors to the work we’re doing now in terms of helping to awaken as many people as possible and assisting the GFL with their disclosure plans. These messages have only been shared with the members of the Galactic + Human Ascension Panel until now.
[This excerpt was from a longer dialogue with my collective team, which mainly includes the GFL, a Pleiadian, Archangel Metatron, Melchizedek and the Galactic Council. I asked them to help me better understand the issue we are facing in terms of needing more people to awaken here on Earth.]
June 15, 2020: Channeling with Shawna and Shawna’s Collective Team of Guides
Shawna’s Collective Team: My child, we would like to explain it like this. The Spirit Guides on this planet right now, assisting humanity through this massive transformation and change, are somewhat falling on deaf ears in the way that you would understand it. We wish to break through this clutter in a big way, break through the debris that blocks access of our love, and insights and support, to the hearts and minds of humanity. There is a gap here. A chasm. Imagine that it is far, wide and deep. We need your help in making this leap, connecting the two sides together in love and peace. As we have said before, the human mind, the ego, the body, may be sleepwalking and not tuned in to their souls’ purpose, but their soul is aware, and their soul is screaming for help to awaken. We want to answer those cries for help. We are here to do that.
There are plenty of us on this side who are here to answer those calls, to hold you in our bosoms and nurture you to wholeness. We love you. This is why we are here to do this. It is a great gap. It is a great divide. We are so enamored with those who have “jumped into the abyss”, as you like to say, and trusted, trusted our voices and our love and our support. They’ve made the leap; they’ve decided “yes, I hear this call and I’m answering it. This is the call of myself, this is my soul yearning to fulfill its mission. I hear it and I believe it and I trust it and I love it. This is me. No debris. No roadblocks. No static. This is truly who I am and why I am here.”
There are millions of you on this Earth plane right now who are not answering this call, for various reasons. As the light intensifies by those who are embracing it consciously, this will help break apart the chains that bind those who are stuck in the 3-D illusion. It will shake them lose, wake them up. How can we do more? How can us here on this side help to do more? How can we awaken you more? We don’t have precise numbers for you. Yes, ambiguity. Is this enough information to help you understand where we come from and what we’re trying to accomplish? It is our goal to help you help yourselves in this great awakening. To pass that threshold, and live the life you were meant to lead. Free of dark, negative tyranny that has run rampant on this plane for so very long. The time is done for this kind of rule. And you my friends are to make sure that this happens. Balance must be restored. It is time.
[This being below, Romaden, was one of the first members of the GFL with whom I communicated this summer. Commander Ashtar also came through with messages. Most recently, the GFL communicates with me as a collective. I imagine this to be a small handful of beings from the GFL who are aligned to my mission.]
May 31, 2020: Channeling with Shawna and Romaden, a Member of the Galactic Federation of Light
Shawna: Good morning my friend.
Channeled Being [Romaden]: Good morning.
Shawna: Is there a name I can call you? Is there some way I can know to address you?
Channeled Being [Romaden]: Yes. Row…Romaden. Romaden.
Shawna: Romaden? Do I have that right? Romaden?
Romaden: Yes.
Shawna: That’s beautiful. Romaden. Thank you, Romaden.
Shawna: Romaden can you tell me more about you, your race, where you’re from, if you think I can understand this?
Romaden: We are from [a] galaxy very far from Earth’s. The gravitational pull of our system is so great [that] it collapses everything into itself. Yes, much like a black hole as you would understand it on Earth. We live amongst the stars and planets of a far-reaching system in the Andromeda sector. We have been around for a very long time, millions and millions of years in your linear timeframe. We are here now to capture the essence of what it means to truly awaken in these times of Ascension from where you sit now to where we sit now, and to help bridge that gap if you will, in consciousness, on a massive scale.
Romaden: We are Lyran. You may not know much about this race, [but] we have a long and storied history with planet Earth, this part of the Universe, this sector of the Galaxy. We’ve made this our home after the First Earth was destroyed and we had not many options in terms of where to go, so we find ourselves an eternity away in terms of your linear space, but alas our technologies and abilities with consciousness allows us to interact in this way to be in your fields, to be in your consciousness, to assist from afar, but yes also very close.
Romaden: Our ships of light hover just above your atmosphere. They’ve come a long way in your linear understanding of space. As the world turns, we hold our breath with anticipation of these incredible events of which you are only starting to grasp and comprehend. This will not be a bloodbath, Shawna. We’re doing everything we can. We eagerly await your input to this process, to this unfolding. We love you. We love humanity. We want to help. We would like to think that we understand what’s going on here, but as mentioned before, the boots on the ground such as yourself will add a much needed perspective to this process, to the unfolding events coming. My child please wake with us, continue your path of unfolding, continue your path of awakening. Take my hand as I lead you on to our ship where you are most at home and most welcome. Please let me show you around. When you are here, you are amongst friends and family. There are absolutely no enemies.
Shawna: OK, we’re now looking out, kind of at a vista with a sun that’s just bright and it’s a horizon and there may be clouds but it’s a view like out of a window or something. I’m not sure if this is our Sun or what it is, but it’s just breathtaking. We seem to be on a deck of some sort. He’s holding my left hand as we look around this area.
Romaden: Please come and sit, if you will, and let’s continue our conversation. Can I please try to address some of these questions that are coming up for you and for your assembled team?
Shawna: Yes, please. Thank you. Can you access those questions because my brain is not really working right now with this increased frequency?
Romaden: Yes, let’s start here. We will continue to reiterate that this is a mission of love, nothing more. Pure, unconditional love from one set of species to another. Earth is in the dark. Earth doesn’t know this love. And those who do know of this love are not allowing you to experience it. We rejoice at the opportunity to help spread this love and light to humanity.
Shawna: Can you please tell me more about the efforts you have made to do full disclosure? I read last night that the dark Cabal, the Deep State had threatened to annihilate all of humanity if your ships of light came into view and if you made disclosure that way. Can you please catch me up? Is that true? And the second question is, are there leaders, are there countries, are there people here who are in an influential position who would embrace your light, and your message, and your love?
Romaden: Well this is you my dear. Do you understand this? This is not leaderships in the way that you understand leadership where somebody is voted in or put into a position of authority because of power, money, greed. We can dive into these details more after we have a general framework put together for contact that meets our goals.
Shawna: Do you want to say anything else about these efforts to squash what you’re trying to do? Who’s in charge and how are they now, what are they doing now, are they still that same kind of threat?
Romaden: Again, my child, please do not fret over the past, [or over] the approaches taken previously. We are not sure there is great learning and insight for you at this time for the task at hand. We ask that you move forward as if it’s a clean slate. No boundaries, no “what has somebody else done, did it fail?”. We don’t want you to think that way. We want you to come in fresh as a newborn babe with your ideas and your ignorance, knowing that all things are to be considered. We are only limited by conditioning [and] fear. Does that answer your question?
Shawna: Yes, thank you. OK, is there anything else we should discuss this morning? I am diligently going to work [and] continue to work on this task at hand. We’ve got “How do we awaken as many people as possible?” and “How do we make loving contact?” Is there anything else?
Romaden: You are the love, you are the light, you are the beacon.
Shawna: Thank you. Thank you so much.
I hope you found this information interesting and helpful. Please send me your comments at https://www.shawnalfrances.com/contact.
My new book, I Am the Beacon, now has 5 five-star reviews! Thank you everyone who has read my book! Thank you for your Amazon reviews! https://amazon.com/author/shawnalfrances. This is a dream come true.
With all my love and wishing you the best on your journeys!
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