From the Galactic Federation of Light
Symbol for Humanity & the Ascension
Provided by the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) to Shawna L. Frances on March 16, 2021 as part of the GALACTIC+HUMAN ASCENSION PANEL (GHAP) Recommendations.
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Welcome dear readers of this text. We are a small group within the larger Galactic Federation of Light who are bringing forth this new symbol to assist humanity at this time of ascension.
The lines and shapes depicted in this form are multi-dimensional in nature. Its simplicity belies the power contained within to help humanity shed its lower-vibrational aspects of being and self-identification with stagnant thoughts, feelings, emotions. Allow this new symbol to be your personal catalyst for change into higher-vibrational thought forms and living.
You have asked for assistance and we are providing it. Accept this gift and allow its energy to do its work.
The circle above represents the everlasting and ever-more circle of life—of existence—not only here, but EVERYWHERE. Omnipresent and all-encompassing, of which we are all a part.
The three sides of the pyramid represent 1) HEALTH, 2) WELL-BEING and 3) LIGHT/VISION.
The three legs of the pyramid represent 1) GROUNDING, 2) STABILITY and 3) STRENGTH.
Visualize this symbol daily. Draw it, see it. Look at it. Imagine it in your heart space.
Gillian Grant
Hi Shawna, Much gratitude to you and to the group within the GFL for this wonderful symbol. To me it symbolizes anchoring energy into Mother Earth, with the circle being the sun, it’s light and energy filtering down the pyramid and through the rods into the Earth. I also see a person and imagine the face (circle) has a big smile and the pyramid contains a big heart emanating love. This person brings the light down to help Mother Earth ascend and there are millions of them all over the world side by side, plugged in and assisting in the ascension process. Also it reminds me of one of those little things you fit into circuit boards, I don’t know if that’s the right term, but its an electrical piece on a circuit board with little legs that slot in. The more that are used, the more powerful the effect. I also see new energy rising. Something different pops into my head each time I look at it! I had a thought to put the symbol on a t-shirt, or even a night-shirt/bed spread so the energy can be integrated when sleeping which I thought was rather cool 🙂 Or to draw it in your food before eating, e.g. using yoghurt or salad dressing to draw it on top of vegetables before eating! Thank you so much again xx
Thank you Gillian for sharing your experience with the symbol!
Regina Turney
Thank you, Shawna!
I am always here to help and assist.
Thank you Regina! 🙂
Felt instant relief! Thank you, Shawna <3
That is wonderful Ahsen. Thank you for sharing.
mirabai marquardt
Thank you for this Cosmic Gift Shawna. As a flower essence therapist, I almost fell off my chair when I saw this post. Several years ago I was introduced to Green Hope Farm flower essences. The Green Hope Farm Angels, Devas and Elementals (some in human form) are assisting our Ascension with their extremely high vibration flower essences and blends. The very first essence I purchased was Dittany, from Crete. I invite you to explore: https://www.greenhopeessences.com/essences/about-the-crete-flower-essences . Blessings to us all…
Thank you Mirabai. Interesting connection!
Jeana Bartell-Lorbiecki
Thank you for this, how fascinating!!
And as always, thank you Shawna for this symbol. I’ve been guided to use it in my healing!
Blessings 🙂