Today I mainly talk about five different experiences I’ve had in Atlantis via the Halls of Amenti, specifically around this “rejuvenation tub” that I used frequently in that lifetime. The guides of the Halls say that this is indeed real, and it can be accessed today energetically by anyone. Time and space are illusions, everything is energy. So I say let’s give this a try. The bowl is made of a stone, such as travertine. It is about 12 feet in diameter. It’s shallow and perfectly balanced, but not flat on the bottom. It rocks easily. Imagine yourself entering the tub via a rope, directly into the center of the tub. The tub contains a clear, somewhat thick liquid. Fully submerse yourself into the liquid knowing that you can breathe in there perfectly. Feel the tiny currents of energy from the liquid coursing through your body. See the blue/purple glow of the liquid. Request healing of any aspect — mental, emotional, physical, spiritual. Kryon also came in today and did energy work on me, and asked how I was doing after yesterday’s channeling (Oct. 6, 2022).
#atlantis #ascension #lightworkers