Today Kryon talked about making space for the new – literally and figuratively. He also spoke at length about our widely-accepted construct of “safety”… and needing to reframe the word itself as we head into these massive changes. He asked us not to equate change with lack of safety.
“I’d like to talk about safety. It’s easy to have a false sense of safety… Based on preconceptions of what it means to be safe, and to apply the word or the descriptor of “safe” to a situation or a place, a routine. Take a closer look at what you’ve decided safety means to you in your personal life. It’s a single word–safety–that carries so much meaning and power in your minds. I’d ask that you begin to realize that safety is a judgment and an attribute that you have applied to a situation… a person, place or thing, based on preconceptions. based on past ideas. based on expectations.”
“There’s really very little basis to what you would ascribe to be as safe.”
“In the coming months and years, there may be times when the construct of safety in your minds gets rattled, gets shaken apart. You absolutely will be challenged. This will be a time to re-know that word, to dismantle that word, to apply new meaning to that word.”
“As change ensues and the old continues to be dismantled, what you have decided is safe will also be dismantled. And you will be challenged to look inward at yourselves and reframe this construct.
“Things may not feel safe in the way that you have defined safety in the old paradigm. But please, friends, do not confuse lack of safety with change. You can still be in transformation still be going through a change, and still be “safe”.”
“You put a very tight box around the word safety. you’ve defined very tight boundaries for what being safe means to you. Today, I am asking you to be open to considering other ways of feeling safe, possibly even letting go of that word all together.”
#kryon #lighworkers #ascension