June 27, 2023. Today I talk about a difficult timeline adjustment that I performed today with the guidance of Melchizedek whereby we helped to clear negative reptilian energy around the sacrificing of babies (the scene was from an ancient civilization in the region that is now Mexico), and helped lift and release any trapped souls or energies from the sacrifices themselves on a worldwide scale. This is also part of my karmic reckoning.
If you’d like to participate in more clearing and lifting for this particular energy field, I’ll be hosting a zoom call on Friday, June 30th at 1 p.m. Pacific Time where we’ll do more work together live as a group. I will not be widely publicizing this event and it will not be shared online later. The zoom link: Hope you can join. View your time zone at
My new merchandise store and redesigned website is about to launch. Sign up for my newsletter where I’ll be providing a coupon code for the store.
Thanks team!
#ascension #channeling #disclosure
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