December 4, 2023
Hi team! What a year! What a year??? Wait…we are into December already?
Yeah, well, as we know time is an illusion, and we have all been feeling the effects of the changing frequencies coming onto the planet. AND, being “in the moment” helps diminish the importance of time. But still…it has been one heck of a year and it flew by.
Embracing the old data-driven approach of my marketing career days, we can pretty easily summarize what happened with our YouTube channel in 2023 from a numbers perspective. We are seeing a beautiful upward trend with all the numbers, year-over-year. I’m so grateful that the info (and energy) is getting out there and our community continues to grow.
* Number of videos posted in 2023 so far is 114. (Number of videos posted in 2022 was also 114!). Total number of public videos is 376.
* Views: 142,000 so far in 2023, which is up 88% from 2022
* Watch Time: 27,100 hours, which is up 119% from last year
* Subscribers: We’ve added 440 subs this year, up 264% from last year’s increase in subs, for a total of 3,476
2023’s most watched videos:
1. Episode 1 of the Queen Elizabeth series: The Next Level of Truth – It Has Begun | Channeling Queen Elizabeth with Shawna L. Frances (https://youtu.be/gqIqmYh0rGc) with 3,242 views. Posted Jan. 15, 2023
2. The video where I let everyone know that we were done channeling Queen Elizabeth: Channeling the Queen Complete – Now Onto the Next Phase | Shawna L. Frances (https://youtu.be/jvQZohJGnSk) with 1,918 views. Posted March 22, 2023
3. The third most watched was this revealing one with QE: Fear Energy in Pill Form | Channeling Queen Elizabeth with Shawna L. Frances Episode 6 (https://youtu.be/eZNMRe0nNFY) posted Jan. 21, 2023
For comparison, in 2022, we had 75,400 views, fueled mostly by the Ascension Daily Updates (I posted 105 of these videos!) with the many Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) interviews, plus Kryon and Melchizedek.
In case you find it interesting, here were the most watched videos in 2022:
1. The Grand Vision of You as Source | Channeling the Galactic Federation of Light by Shawna L. Frances (https://youtu.be/U5-tEWMG3Oc) with 1,533 views, posted Feb. 10, 2022.
2. Being OK with the UNKNOWN on this Path of Ascension | Channeling the Galactic Federation of Light (https://youtu.be/oHah1pHOiUc) with 1,300 views, posted April 18, 2022.
3. LET’S DO THIS! Melchizedek & Kryon POWERFUL Guided Meditation – Autumnal Equinox 2022 (https://youtu.be/RoGUOL7FdLI) with 1,241 views, posted Sept. 22, 2022.
From a content perspective, I’d say that 2023 has been a challenging year for the intense information coming through about the Negative Reptilians and all the higher frequencies we’ve been holding through the darkness.
Queen Elizabeth (QE) spelled out in unprecedented detail how the Negative Reptilians influence the monarchy blood-lines through hive-mind control and how they foster and ingest fear energies through abominable blood rituals. The QE series of 44 videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqIqmYh0rGc&list=PL3bAYXRYSW5L1O2LG0L7Wj1Yn7kA5oMh8) has had 63,000 views this year with 11,500 hours of watch time. Thank you Elizabeth for your perseverance, presence and for all the incredible information you provided to our collective this year. We love you.
It was then March 22^nd (the number 2 most watched video linked above) where Melchizedek told us that we were wrapping up with QE, but also that the galactic battles had begun. It was that week that the “three lieutenants” were assigned to help guide us. By May 3, 2023, the galactic war between the GFL and the Negative Reptilians was raging in full. We now know that the GFL has been reduced by 50% due to this fighting. Our beloved Racer, one of the original lieutenants, generously decided to join us after his death as a spirit guide to continue to support our causes here as the Boots on the Ground. To this day, I am not speaking with anyone of the GFL as they work to rebuild their forces. Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be any real resolution as a result of all that death and destruction, and there is an expectation that the battles will indeed continue.
The guides talked A LOT about Antarctica as being the focal point for the Negative Reptilian regime’s oppressive energies, as well as their programs (https://youtu.be/ING-CM-5fZw) of slavery, cloning and harvesting of young humans. Our guides asked us to pool our collective love energies in support for ALL involved in the Antarctica programs, which we did several times via guided meditations (https://youtu.be/ZV_RLnzzRqs) . We learned about the “black cube” technology (https://youtu.be/aZsN0Z1iHaQ) that houses and oppresses souls and aspects of souls, and we did work to release all back to light and dismantle that technology (https://youtu.be/4aNCu6jVAi8) through intention and with the support with our other-worldly guides.
Melchizedek also told us how and why the Great Pyramids were built (https://youtu.be/J-y1kzx3vzw) , explained the disappearance of Malaysia flight 370 (https://youtu.be/d0onl3kplog) , provided wisdom on artificial intelligence (https://youtu.be/IGZxXATZ71g) and spoke about the conflict in Gaza (https://youtu.be/6zzkJC0luvM) .
Personally, I was stretched further than ever before, participating intimeline adjustments (https://youtu.be/xIe6y03slOU) with Reptilian aspects of my oversoul, with the help and oversight of Melchizedek. Understanding more at this human level how other aspects of my soul were involved with the horrific practices of the Negative Reptilians, and how I am now atoning for these actions. How I am helping to repay karma by working with the light and helping to bring to conscious awareness the brutality inflicted by this regime. I’m still coming to grips with this, and more personal information continues to come through via the Halls of Amenti.
Each of you who watched these videos, with all this very difficult information coming through, WERE AND ARE CRITICAL to my atonement process and tor raising of the collective conscious awareness of this info. I know that I could not do this without your love and support! THANK YOU!
Your light work on behalf of humanity is unprecedented and critical for the ascension! YES, we are the Boots on the Ground! We are doing this! We are powerful!
We may not be understood by those around us, and we may be questioning a lot of this ourselves. But we feel this love, this pull and this resonance that comes before what our minds can know and comprehend. It is a deeper knowing. It is love in action. And it keeps us going, even when it’s difficult. Especially when it’s difficult. And we have the most incredible guidance from Melchizedek, along with their compassion, understanding and frequencies for exactly where we find ourselves in this moment.
And finally, I feel so fortunate to be channeling a book for Melchizedek. What an honor and a privilege. We, the Boots on the Ground, have set the collective-consciousness-stage for this information to come forward on a larger scale.
THANK YOU to the Halls of Amenti Guide for everything you’ve done to be in service to our team and to me personally this past year and a half! I’m so grateful!
I can’t even begin to imagine what 2024 will bring, but I know it will be all about LOVE, universal acceptance, unity and recreating this world anew based on these principles. And we get to do this together! You are the best! We’ve got this!
With undying love and respect,
I’d like to thank Bryan Fitzpatrick of New South Wales, Australia, for his generous donation toward the Mailchimp e-newsletter fund!
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We welcome you, each and every one of you, to a place where you may now decide for yourself who and what you are outside of all of the influence that has come your way since birth, outside of what the ego and the mind would dictate for you, outside of these often subtle control systems. In this new place, you realize that you are in choice, and the number of choices you can make is infinite. The question may be, who do I want to be in this new paradigm? But the realization is, who am I already?
Melchizedek, book channeling, November 30, 2023
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