Message from Archangel Metatron
Robbie channeled 4 books which all had a major influence
Galactic Council Guest Speaker & Energy Transmission | Channeling the Galactic Federation of Light
The Galactic Federation of Light (channeled here by Shawna L. Frances) is joined by the Galactic Council, another hierarchical consortium
The Antidote to Confusion is Surrender | Channeling of the Galactic Federation of Light
The Galactic Federation of Light (channeled here by Shawna L. Frances, is coming through with daily messages to support
Nothing is Worth Giving Up Your Light | Galactic Federation of Light Channeled Message
The Galactic Federation of Light (channeled here by Shawna L. Frances) talks about the critical time we find ourselves in
You Are a Lightworker With a Mission – Release the Fear Paradigm | Galactic Federation of Light
The Galactic Federation of Light, in this daily channeled transmission, talks more emphatically about our roles here on the planet
Yes, the Galactic Federation of Light is Talking to YOU | You’re Ready for Ascension | Channeling
In this daily channeled message from the Galactic Federation of Light, the Federation speaks about the importance of our own
Labeling & Judging Others Who Don’t Think Like You | Channeling the Galactic Federation of Light
In this daily channeled message by the Galactic Federation of Light, the GFL talks about allowing others to choose their
Unplug and Rise Above | Unity Consciousness Now | Galactic Federation of Light Channeling
The Galactic Federation of Light in these daily channeled messages provide wisdom, love and light as we move into the
Shining Your Light: Simply a Choice | Ascension | Galactic Federation of Light Channeling
The Galactic Federation of Light is bringing forth their daily transmissions through channel Shawna L. Frances. In this session, the
Ascension – Carbon-based to Crystalline Bodies | Channeling the Galactic Federation of Light
The Galactic Federation of Light answers questions about going from a carbon-based body to a crystalline body, ready for the
Banding Together in Tough Times in Love and Light | Channeling – Galactic Federation of Light
In this daily channeled session by the Galactic Federation of Light, Shawna L. Frances gives a personal update and the
Missions as Lightworkers | Are You Too Busy for Love? | Ascension | Galactic Federation of Light
In today's channeled message, the Galactic Federation of Light sends you "raging balls of light", thrown directly to your open
The Next Phase of Ascension – The Collective | Galactic Federation of Light Channeling
Shawna L. Frances is the founder of the Galactic + Human Ascension Panel (GHAP) and is a member of the
You’re Called a Light-WORKER for a Reason | Channeling of the Galactic Federation of Light
The Galactic Federation of Light, in this daily channeled message, addresses the emotional purging that some of us are experiencing
Q & A Galactic Federation of Light | Worry & Shame | Extraterrestrial Technologies | Lower Chakras
The Galactic Federation of Light (channeled by Shawna L. Frances, answers your questions about the awakening process and the